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wow... my eyes are watering


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I just had a first... I am testing a new scent. Peak's Birthday cake and it is burning right now. It has been burning for 2 hours and my eyes are watering from it... it is sooo strong. :shocked2: I have had strong scents before that I lower the % amount, but this is the first time I had this. I was wondering if this was going to be a strong one when I pulled it out of my curing closet and opened the lid. That just about gaged me. This one may just be melted down and made into firestarters and not tested again:laugh2:

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Never had that happen before. I have not ever used Peak's B-day Cake but thought many times about ordering it. What % of FO did you use and in what wax? Wonder if it would be that strong in my para-soy blend? Might have to check it out. I have read where a lot of people use it as a mixer. You might try something like that.

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it smells really good burning, but the watering eyes is telling me that it is toooooo strong. It is at 6% right now. I'm thinking about lowering and trying 4%. I decided to try a couple more burn tests to make sure it is the actual FO and not my allergies having a bad day today. (since they are still watering and it has been done with its test for a while now)

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I have been using Peak's Birthday Cake for quite a while and not only is it a family favorite in my home but EVERYONE that has gotten it from me just loves it and requests more. I only use it in paraffin for both containers and votives. Either it does not agree with you or it is some kind of chemical reaction with whatever combination of materials your are using or I suppose it might be a bad batch. Have always used 1 oz pp/wax. Dave

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Thanks Dave. I am going to try to test it a few more times and see if I get the same reaction. It has been out for 4 hours now and I am still having the watery eyes and it acutally has been worse outside, so I am thinking that today is a higher allergy day. I am using Ecosoya 135 and I really like the smell. It is amazing filled the room very well. I can see where this would be a good seller.

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