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Looking for this jar

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Fillmore used to sell these but now they say they have discontinued them. These guys only sell them with the lids. I have a ton of the lids, so I don't need them. Plus .99 per jar is really steep for this jar.

Anyway does anyone know another place to get these? Or even a different type of jar with the same measurements. I really need the straightsided with no taper.

I have the jellies that taper but there is an inch difference from the top and bottom of the jar. This throws off the wicking, what works for the top doesn't work for the bottom.

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That does look like them. I'm a little confused though cuz in their description they talk about their 16 oz size, but the picture is showing a 12oz jar. It is the same size diameter. Not the same height. I'm not as concerned about the height. It is the 12 oz they are selling here right, not the 16oz?

Thank you so much though. If it is the 12 oz I think this will be great.

My shipping won't be as good as yours though, that's ok, at least they are priced much better.

Thank you, I'm going to call them tomorrow.

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I'm sure the height measurement is wrong! You want the mj-12 and they have the 16oz description on it! Just call because I had to to find out the shipping amount and mine was only $25 which I was really happy with! They cost more than mine LOL! For some reason smaller jars cost more sometimes. I have been jar shopping for a couple of weeks and settled on these for a good price..

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