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GW 464 Frosting & Cracking issues in cold climate

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Well now the dramas have started :shocked2:

We have recently moved from Perth back to the East Coast, Sydney to a much colder area than we were living in before. We poured our first batch of jars last night. Unfortunately the only place we have to pour is in the garage which is not heated.

This morning most were frosted. When I hit a couple with the heat gun it did improve the frosting, however those ones have now developed 3 cracks on the top radiating out from the wick to the sides of the jar.

I assume the cracks would be caused by the fact that it is only a little of the top layer melting, so when it coos it does so too fast hence causing the cracking.

We have an order to get ready in a couple of weeks so need to get this issue sorted pretty damn quick. There is no facility to heat the garage and no room to pour inside the house.

If anyone has any brilliant suggestions to overcome this situation I am definitely all ears and willing to try most anything.

We have not usually had issues with this wax, however with the cold weather where we are now living it is going to be interesting, thats for sure.



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I have just now poured a few more, one almost slushy which seems to be setting nicely. The other 2 I poured hotter and put them in a box covered with a blanket and they both seem to be doing ok as well. I guess I should have abetter idea in a couple of hours :)


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What if you were to soften the wax a little. Some people add coconut oil and have good results.

How cold is it in the garage when they are setting up? Last winter, our house was in the low 60s when mine were setting up and I didn't have any issues. I pour hot, I don't have much trouble with frosting when I pour hot. I get a lot of frosting when I pour slushy, even in warm weather.

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