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Got this PM on Mr. Missy's FOs


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I am getting repeat orders for MM scents as we speak. My testers loved them, I love them and my regular customers love them. That's gotta count for something....right?

that's marvelous - until you cannot fill the report orders cuz it was a closeout from the beginning

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I am going to renig on my comment about not being a customer of Mr. Missy's. Why you ask?

After giving thought to what others have said and in speaking to Pat several times in the past week or two and have found that Mr. Missy's is trying to drum up business....Yes, the back and forth on the min. and the various inconsistent wordings on various pages is annoying to say the least. Hopefully, they will get it straightened out eventually.

However, the comment in the PM I originally posted about is misleading. It's hard to follow a persons train of thought when there are bunches of ......... in between comments. Where does one thought start and end? I spoke to Pat, and these FO's they are selling are not distressed, they are overruns from the mfg. 100% undiluted FO's and in my opinion are wonderful oils (at least the 8 or so I've tested). If they are distressed, where's the proof? Some may say it smells like cat *$, but that's one persons opinion and should be brought to the attention of the supplier. I know that we have all had bad FO's come our way and maybe an FO that was labeled incorrectly (I've had both issues numerous times), but we let them know and give them the opportunity to correct it ~ or do we just say "to hell with them" and never order again? Probably not. I sure don't 'cause I'd have very few suppliers to deal with.

Seems Dan's past left a bad taste in some's mouths, but it doesn't have to be that way for all of us and not now. If one has a bad experience, let others know. I think I have personally learned in this particular case, if you have a gripe, a question or otherwise, call them. And, I'm sure they will work with you on any issue you have ~ just ask.

I am getting repeat orders for MM scents as we speak. My testers loved them, I love them and my regular customers love them. That's gotta count for something....right?

It is not my intention to belittle anyone, or say that your concerns are not valid, all I'm saying is try the FO's and make your own informed opinion.

Thanks and have a great day.

I'm sure they are telling others that are emailing them, the same thing they are telling you,...they dont want to lose business!!!

Why would you even take the chance???

My customers are to important for me to listen to 1 supplier's promise with this type of reputation, and it hasn't come from just one person either. Nope, sorry wont take a chance with this company again,.. their are to many other suppliers that don't change requirements as often and fast as this company has.

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Hi all,

Carrie, I'm glad that you are happy with Mr. Missy's and everyone else that will remain his customers.

I did think this board was meant to be helpful, and I just wanted other people to know that these oils are NOT constant oils. Had I known these facts upfront, I'd have never ordered and nobody would have had to hear my opinions on his oils or have me repeat word for what what Dan himself told me about the "distressed oils".

I'm not here to start a fight, only to chat, read the board, find & share a little knowledge with other fellow candlemakers.

I do type with .....'s...but you know what, I'm also college educated and have run a sucessful business for 8 years and have never been so upset with a supplier in all those years as I was with this, so I had to share my feelings.

I'm done with this topic...thank you.

Candy :)

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ps, Carrie, your own message has ....'s in it. Not that I care at all, just found it funny that you had to point mine out and then you do it yourself.

Everyone just have a great day and forget this mess...let's move on and talk scents again.

Candy :smiley2:

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I think this topic has gotten out of hand and it seems like when someone disagree's with the majority they are called out and that is sad!

I totally understand what sassy is saying as I do the majority of you. If it works for her great, and if it does not work for all of you then no harm no foul. But why keep it going and going and going. If you want to buy from Mr. Missy, then do it, if not then dont. But why must these topics get so snippy and mean??? Why must you call out and make snide remarks about who disagree's with you. This board is suppose to be about sharing information, chatting, and learning about the crafts we love so much. Not for fighting and arguing amoung each other. If we disagree, big freakin deal, not going to agree on everything all the time.

The one thing I do agree with sassy on is that a mod will step in and delete something that mentions a sale, but will not step in and lock a thread that starts getting out of hand. That makes no sense to me. It is obvious that there is not much else that can be said about Mr. Missy's or who on here that will not buy from them again. I think it is time to let this go...geez!

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I think this topic has gotten out of hand and it seems like when someone disagree's with the majority they are called out and that is sad!

I totally understand what sassy is saying as I do the majority of you. If it works for her great, and if it does not work for all of you then no harm no foul. But why keep it going and going and going. If you want to buy from Mr. Missy, then do it, if not then dont. But why must these topics get so snippy and mean??? Why must you call out and make snide remarks about who disagree's with you. This board is suppose to be about sharing information, chatting, and learning about the crafts we love so much. Not for fighting and arguing amoung each other. If we disagree, big freakin deal, not going to agree on everything all the time.

The one thing I do agree with sassy on is that a mod will step in and delete something that mentions a sale, but will not step in and lock a thread that starts getting out of hand. That makes no sense to me. It is obvious that there is not much else that can be said about Mr. Missy's or who on here that will not buy from them again. I think it is time to let this go...geez!

Well, who is being mean??? I haven't seen anyone be mean to anyone. And if their is, the mods do delete it. They do not tolerate it. I haven't read in this thread where anyone got rude with sassyQ. And I've read the ones that have been deleted, and that was due to it being off-topic.

We are a glad she likes MM's products and can do business with him. But please allow us to share our feelings or opinions without someone accusing "us" of getting rude. You have the option not to read this thread also, if it bothers you,...and NO i am not being rude!!!

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As I stated, we all have our own opinions, and the above is mine. As you obviously have yours...your entitled so am I. And maybe some are not being "mean" but they damn sure are snippy as hell when you do not agree with them, and it is not just this topic but many others on here. And no one is denying you your views or opinions, I think everyone should be able to post their views and opinions with out being called out. And I am very aware that I do not have to read any topic that bothers me, I appreciate you letting me know that.

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As I stated, we all have our own opinions, and the above is mine. As you obviously have yours...your entitled so am I. And maybe some are not being "mean" but they damn sure are snippy as hell when you do not agree with them, and it is not just this topic but many others on here. And no one is denying you your views or opinions, I think everyone should be able to post their views and opinions with out being called out. And I am very aware that I do not have to read any topic that bothers me, I appreciate you letting me know that.

Cool!! I'm glad we can agree to disagree!!:)

Now, I did test today the mystery man fo, and I just can't seem to figure out what it smells like. Its not bad, but would be more of a B&B type scent, but dont know if its skin safe, as his site doesn't say.

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i know this hasent been posted in since yesterday but i got these email and wanted to share it in here since they mention over run oils and to get them while they last

After careful consideration....................

And pondering the suggestions from our customers.........

This is the policy that will stay in effect so we can help you make money!

$75.00 Minimum Order...That's the total order, Not just Fragrances!

$7.50 1 Lb Fragrances...Everyday! Plus Free Shipping!

These Fragrances are over runs, we have over 100,000 lbs in stock with more coming. Get them while they last!

(Edited. People can visit the site for more information about what this company offers. Sale specifics were removed.)

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