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I am beginning to contemplate getting out of the candle business. It has become a very expensive low paid LOL hobby and I don't put into it nor get out of it what I used to now since my baby was born in January. I know it's probably the economy and such that is contributing to this with people not wanting candles since they are not a necessity to living. I just can't see letting everything go after I have spent so much time, energy and money out of pocket to get things going. However at the same time I've got tired of looking at candle supplies all over my house LOL.

I know you only get out of a business what you put into it and that is part of my problem. I don't have the time to put into my business now as much as I did before. I've learned a lot of lessons along the way and picked up a few customers who order continuously and a few wholesale accounts. Only problem with wholesale right now is even the wholesale accounts are purchasing very little too. Only one is purchasing continuously and that is because she isn't marking up my candles much. Just enough to cover her cost and make a buck or 2. Otherwise in this area they aren't selling.

I've already started thinning out my oils to make room as I had a lot that weren't popular sellers and were just sitting there. I"m not ordering new supplies either unless I "have" to for an order. I think right now I have a case of jars on hand and that's about it. I'll order when I get a large enough order and need to. As it is, I don't ever really see myself making a decent income from this. Not that I ever planned to but a good side income was nice when the economy was good. Hubby says the final decision is up to me and he's not going to say one way or the other but the idea of throwing in the towel is now on the table....whether or not I do it i suppose depends on me. I may give it til the end of this quarter and then see how things are and go from there........sigh

Sorry so long. Thanks for reading my thoughts and rant. Anyone else contemplating the same thing with the way things are going or is it just me?

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I stopped a few years ago when I was having a similar issue. Not enough time to put into it and the medium I had started with (gel) did not go well in my area and I had sell them so low that I was barely making pennies. :( I had starting making my own embeds so I could have them scented just so and know they were gel safe. This led me to start playing with the photo hurricanes out of my embed wax and started playing with pillars and votives too. The problem back then was the same though - just as I was starting to test product I had no time to do so and not enough money coming in to justify buying supplies and I slowly stopped. Didn't even have time to visit the boards. :cry2:

My "break" turned into 5 years. I moved in with my boyfriend a few months ago and he made me unpack all my boxes and part of that was seascapes and things left over from my last show and a few odds and ends supplies I refused to give up so I'd have something to make candles with again "someday". I remembered how much I enjoyed making my candles and got the molds and other stuff cleaned up and organized and ordered some FO and dye from Peaks and just started making them again. I'm back in testing phase (paraffin and palm this time) and will be ready to sell (maybe) as the economy picks back up. I'm in an area not as hard hit and surrounded by people who are supportive (I was not before) and I plan to make a big push of this. I learned a lot of what not to do on my last go around and that is a good starting point.

The worst part for me is seeing all the people I used to know and boards I used to frequent just gone. I have links to suppliers that when you go to that site instead of their great supplies I have that yucky screen that is just a list of links to other places. :mad: And of course techniques and things have changed as well. There's a lot to catch up on. And it is hard to come into this board and go through old posts from when fuel started going up and see post after post of people closing their doors. Makes me question my sanity in returning. :laugh2:

All of that said, it really is a personal decision that you have to make. I wish I had kept making candles at least for myself but I just did not have the time and I got disgusted just looking at them the supplies all over the place as well. If you enjoy doing it though, sometimes just a "break" is all you need. Maybe scale down a little (or a lot) and spend time with your baby and if the "itch" comes back like mine did you still have stuff there to make something.

Wow - I wrote a book too! Hope it helps from someone who did stop for a while.


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I don't have a candle making business, but I read your post and feel for you. I have a 16 month old and I know it's hard to get anything done. Lol. Maybe just take a break and just do it for yourself for a while. Maybe someday your inspiration or passion will come back. I wouldn't get rid of your supplies if you can help it because I would hate to see you get rid of everything and then have to buy it all again if you decide you want to do it again. Darn economy seems like it is hitting a lot of the small business owners. Hope whatever decision you make you are at peace with it.

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Maybe you could just narrow down your product line so that you get the break you need, you cut your expenses, but you get to hang on to some of your customers and keep your hand in. Maybe just do tarts or maybe pick one or two jars and a few scents and simplify. Just a thought.

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Maybe you could just narrow down your product line so that you get the break you need, you cut your expenses, but you get to hang on to some of your customers and keep your hand in. Maybe just do tarts or maybe pick one or two jars and a few scents and simplify. Just a thought.

I am already down to one jar style...down from 4 that I once offered. Tarts don't do well here although my money when I do sell them is almost pure profit. Even if I don't do anything else I think maybe my scent list is about to get cut in half I believe.

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In March, I had shoulder surgery and have lost the complete use of my arm for another 3 months, minimum. I almost threw in the towel as wicking the jars was hard with just one hand.

After about a month, I decided to do items that I could do easily with one hand and stopped things that I could not. I am much more relaxed now and once again enjoy what I am doing.

I wouldn't get rid of everything because of the expense of getting it all back if you decide later to start again.

Maybe just take a break for a while and see how you feel in a few months. Once you ease up on yourself, maybe that passion you had will creep back in.

Regardless of what you do though, I wish you the best of luck!!


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you have to do what you're at peace with! everybody is feeling the crunch nowadays. you won't be able to sell your business for a fraction of what it would have been worth just a year ago ~ nobody has the money to buy it, and with your sales down you don't have encouraging numbers to show what they can earn.

if you really aren't feeling the drive to do it though, I would definitely suggest just selling the stuff here, on Ebay, Craigs list, anywhere to get as much cash on hand as you can and stop taking up space. if/when you're ready to do it again chances are that the suppliers you have now will have changed their prices or maybe also gone out of business, so you'd be "starting over" in your search for supplies anyway.

you could always try making up e-books to sell information if you have a particular niche to keep a little money coming in. otherwise, I'd say put it off till the kids are older when you're ready/able to devote the time needed.

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Spoke with hubby about this long and hard last night (in his eyes anyway LOL) and what we think we should do is just not try for wholesale business for a while (basically lay off some) and take a break. Fill orders should they come in on the website but see how things go through the next couple of months and go from there that way we (mainly me) are not making a decision based on feelings along but have some data to back it up if that makes any sense. See how the market is going and how things are doing and then go from there. The last time I was even lightly thinking of throwing in the towel, one of my wholesale accounts ordered an order 3 times what they normally do. So, wait and see I suppose....not that I'd be doing much more or less than I am now when it comes to putting time in the business. Moms and Dads out there will understand....I'm a stay home mom and my babies come before anything...hobby or work!

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the only thing I would add to that is purely money based. if you "cut back" and then later decide to get out of it by selling the business, your gross sales will be way down and you'll get even less than ever. if that doesn't bother you, and you'd only be concerned with selling your supplies and simply closing/taking down your website, then you're on the right path.

Not trying to tell you what to do ~ only you know what you hope to get out of it ... extra income here and there or sell it for a bundle and happily walk away. filling smaller orders as they come won't make for any profit based on ordering smaller quantities from your suppliers, so keep that in mind too!

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I think if I got out of this completely I would want to do just that....get out and walk away. That's my feelings now though LOL. I did have an offer to buy my business not too long ago (when I wasn't even thinking of getting out of the business) but the company wanted to do all the paperwork using their forms and advisors and wanted to pay me out in 2 years at 7.5% interest. To me that was a big NO NO because I could easily see myself getting the shaft on that one. They wanted all supplies and rights to the business up front and wanted to pay me and not go through a finance company, etc. My thing is what if they defaulted? Who's left holding the bag with nothing to show?....ME so I turned the offer down fearing I'd get the short end of the deal.

So I suppose I'll be "hanging out" for a little while longer before I make any drastic decisions. May regret that decision later, but I'm looking into other options that will allow me to use my education and focus on my dream. I've always wanted to operate my own preschool type daycare center where the children come to play and learn...basically a daycare but with focused learning activities. (I'm an educator but choose to stay home with my babies).

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I quit doing business the beginning of this year. Insurance was too expensive for the very little business that I was doing. I made a list of all my supplies, but have yet to get them listed anywhere! I did finally manage to stop at a local candlemaker and ask if she was interested. I have so many candles already made up that I won't have to make for at least a year! I love candles, but just can't find the love of it anymore. I honestly don't miss it. We have so many things to keep us busy, I can't imagine trying to keep up with orders.

Why not try your plan and see how it goes? It is hard with little ones that constantly need your attention. My youngest is 4 and my oldest will be 9 in August and it hadn't gotten any easier. Things are tough right now!

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