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Best coconut for CP and another ?

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I need opinions on a good coconut fo for CP preferably a straight (pure) coconut. I need to make a small batch for my dad so I wanted to use coconut milk as a liquid, and then have a good coconut fo to go with it. Also, can you add dried coconut flakes on the top of the soap? I was just thinking it would give it a nice tropical appearance? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Also, I did do a search and found some helpful info but it seemed most was scattered info.

Thanks again

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I'm not sure that there's any coconut fo that works right in CP. I tried 3 different kinds a few months ago, and had no luck. And when I researched it, I found out that no one else has had much luck w/ it either (morphs or fades). It's a shame, because it would make an awesome smelling soap :(

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I have used Coconut Bay. I thought it smelled great, but then my mother in law came by and gave it a sniff.... She said that it smelled like a urinal cake!!!! Needless to say, I don't think I'll be CPing Coconut Bay again!

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