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Kelsie Mold - is it just me????


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I have been using my kelsie log molds for a couple of years now. I never had a problem with soap sticking in them when I made mp with them, but my cp always seems to end up sticking on the sides and they end up looking like garbage. So I then have to slice the yucky sides off and end up wasting some of the soap.

I have tried spraying with mineral oil and coating the molds lightly with vaseline and it still happens. It isn't just the recipe either, because I have tried many different soaping oils and it never fails to stick somewhere or another. I usually let the soaps set or 24-30 hours before unmolding and they are cool and rather firm to the touch. Do you think that I should let them set longer? These aren't soft bars and I discount my water so I just don't get it.

Anybody else have any problems with their soap sticking to the mold? If not, please tell me what you think I may be doing wrong.

..... I just ordered a logan bear slab mold, so I sure hope that it isn't the plastic that is the problem. I know that those are smooth plastic and my kelsie's are textured. Maybe that is what is grabbing the soap and tearing it up.

How do you all feel about your plastic molds?

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After reading that, I went to check just to make sure. Mine are textured on both sides. The only part that is smooth is the bottom. Maybe it is because they are a couple years old. Is that an older model? Anyone have textured plastic kelsie's????

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I don't have the Kelsie log but I do have a couple Kelsie slab molds. Once my molds got good and seasoned, I've never had any problem with my soap sticking. If your mold is not smooth on both sides and it should be on at least one side, I would definitely contact them. Let us know how it works out. I can imagine this must be so frustrating for you. Rita and Max are wonderful to work with so I would not be surprised that if there is something wrong with the mold in that it should have a smooth side, that they do right by you. They are good people.

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Meridith you are so right. Rita and Max are wonderful to work with. I immediately received emails from Rita and she was very quick to want to make everything right. But, the problem wasn't Rita's or Max's.

What has transpired is absolutely horrifying, enraging, and humiliating. See the molds were bought back in 2006, so I thought Rita might want to see the receipt as proof that they were Kelsie molds. Back in 2006, I desperately wanted Kelsie molds for my birthday. I had done my research and told my husband that was the one to get. Well, for almost 3 years now I thought I was soaping with kelsie molds. My husband asked me what I was doing when he saw me filing through old receipts.......... I saw the color quickly drain from his face!!!

He never bought me Kelsie molds!! He thought they were too pricey, so he looked on ebay and found a guy you have probably heard of.... Mr. Doright. These are not Kelsie molds and I am so sorry for the mistake. He is sorry too, as he will be living in the doghouse for the next 5 years.

I do not want Kelsie molds to be tarnished in anyway by this whole mess. They are wonderful people, eager to please their customers and it is the mr.doright molds that you all need to stay away from!! ~I actually knew that already, but I didn't know that I was soaping with them for the last 3 flippin years.

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I did not take it as you were slamming Kelsie or Rita or Max. I took it as you were frustrated which I could understand. I would be too. And, if there was something wrong, sometimes mistakes do happen. I was just wanted you to know that I believed they would make it right so you wouldn't feel so bad. Our molds cost us a pretty penny and its frustrating when they don't work right. I once bought one based on a recommendation and I couldn't have had more problems with that mold nor could I dislike it any more. I guess each mold is not for everyone. I felt you pain and frustration.

I'm glad you got it figured out though. If you ever still want a Kelsie, I highly recommend them. :)

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I knew that you were coming from a good place Meridith.... I didn't think you were saying that I was slamming anyone. I understood you and thought you were being very supportive of me, Rita and Max. It was good of you. :-) Someday, I really hope (plan) to get myself a true Kelsie mold and not some cheap imitation. Maybe for my next birthday! lol

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I'm so glad that's cleared up. You never seemed to be slamming Kelsei at all - simply that you had a difficulty you needed help with.

And my DoRights went into the trash a long time ago.

Maybe the mods will let you put a note earlier up in the thread spelling out that they weren't in fact Kelsei molds, in case someone stops reading half way through.

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