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Some serious and maybe silly questions


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Ok, so I've successfully unmolded and cut 2 batches of soap now, neither are what I'd call overly pretty and this brings about some very important questions.

When exactly can I color/scent the soap?

I've been doing it as it's getting pastey/globby and it's leading to very nonuniform results.

What about titanium dioxide?

Can it go in?

My soap starts it life out kind of yellowish and dying it isn't exactly enough to unyellow it.

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I don't think I had a pretty batch of soap for over a year after I started soaping as I really wanted to get a handle on things first. You have to take things at a pace you can handle. Make sure you can you know what light, med and heavy trace look like before you get into playing to much. I add my scent to my oils before I even add my lye (otherwise get moving too fast and forget it). Nothing worse that a beautiful unscented soap. As for color, just depends on what you're going for. If I'm swirling, I add at light trace. If I'm coloring the whole thing...add color and light and pour at med. trace. You can add titanium dioxide, just use a light hand. It can do some funny ashy, paste-y color things on you. HTH

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Your answer is comforting. My biggest fear is making that first batch of soap and having it come out horribly... possibly even blowing up my kitchen. :)

Sorry, but LMAO! Before I made my first batch I had dreams of a small mushroom cloud being visible from space because my soap blew up. Thankfully it didn't, but your comment made me laugh at myself.

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With hot process you need to add the fo at the end. You need to know the flash point and add after it is below the flash point. You really don't need to cook it too long. Check after an hour or so with a whisk pulled through the mixture making sure to get to the bottom of the pot checking for any clumps, if there aren't any it done, otherwise check every 10 min till they are gone.

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I was referring to HP. I should've said so, sorry about that.

I'm taking a short break from it, will probably get back to in in a week or two and will take everyone's suggestions into consideration.

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