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For those of you who make layered soaps?

Dana Mae

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I'm so impressed with ALL of the soaps I see here! :)

I've been using a slab "mold" for the past 2 years and just now making pathetic (yes, pathetic!) attempts at swirling.

I know some people do layer their slabs, but I'm curious about those of you who are doing it in log molds.

I'm not sure what size bar you end up with, the almost seem taller than wide, or square-ish.

Curious to the size of bars and mold you use. I'd like to try some.

Until my LoganBear slab mold arrives, I use silicon 8.5x8.5 to do my regular bars.

I tried a layered soap in my silicon loaf mold (with reinforcements on the outside) and the size/shape of my bars looks ridiculous....(IMO) so I thought I would see what kind of "real" log molds people are using when they make these gorgeous soapies, and what size bars they end up with.

Thanks in advance!


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Ok let me phrase it this way....are your log molds taller than they are wide?

(I think I got a bit "wordy" last night!) :rolleyes2



Some of mine are. I don't have a lot of uniformity lol and my bar size varies, even in a slab, especially with weight. For whatever reason, no matter where I put them, they always weigh more than the outer bars.

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