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soap swirling

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Okay, since I've looked at all of your beautiful swirly soap creations, I tried doing this myself. Looked beautiful on top but the problem is, I use a loaf mold and so the swirls only go into the cut bars about 1/2". How do you do this in a loaf mold?

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I believe what you are asking is that you want to have colors all thru the soap?

There is a post in the classes section that shows layering... ie....

Regular soap...

Then use your colored soap to do some swirls...

Then another layer...

More swirls...

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or do a in the pot swirl...

or when your soap is very thin trace..pour

your colors from up high, that way it will go down quite deep

into the soap..then you can swirl..and i have also did it this way..and kept just a bit of the color..or colors and poured on top from close to the soap and then swirl just the top part..:) hth

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or do a in the pot swirl...

or when your soap is very thin trace..pour

your colors from up high, that way it will go down quite deep

into the soap..then you can swirl..and i have also did it this way..and kept just a bit of the color..or colors and poured on top from close to the soap and then swirl just the top part..:) hth

I giggled when I read that. Doing it from up high reminds me of the Cheez-it commercials where the drop the cheese from an airplane.

I wonder if filling a Super Soaker with colored soap and blasting it would have the desired effect. :laugh2:

Good Idea though... just having some fun!

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Others will pour from multiple containers of color at the same time.

The thing you don't want to hear is that you need to keep experimenting to find what works for you.

It might be a combo of ITP mixed with layers and then swirled, multiple cups of soap poured at the same time or drizzled etc.

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You could also attach a funnel to some skewers, lay it over your mold and alternate pouring your different colors. It comes out nice but you have to do it at a thin trace.

I find it is easier to swirl in the pot and then pour into the mold.

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You have to swirl in layers, pour a thin layer of base, swirl in a color, more base to cover, another swirl layer, etc until the mold is full. I find that pitchers from the dollar store work well, hold the lid and and tilt a lot. You also need to have the base not too thick and the swirl colors pretty thin.


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