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M&P Packaging--Any Problems With Tissue Paper?


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One last question about my M&P hotel-size wedding favors. (I know you'll all be glad to hear the last of this order I've had so many questions about! But I've never had a soap order of this size, so I want to be sure it is done well.)

I bought plastic shoeboxes to package these soaps in and surrounded each layer with white tissue paper. Is there any problem with using tissue around M&P soaps? I don't want the bride (or worse yet--her mother!) to open the box 3 weeks from now to set up for the wedding and all the scent be sucked out or something else wrong because of the packaging!!



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Actually, I chose tissue paper just in case there are any moisture issues. I'm in the superhumid (right now) South and I've used silica crystals to be sure these bars of soap were as dry as possible before packaging in the requested cigar bands. So I thought perhaps tissue paper might be an additional "drying agent"--who knows if that's correct or not!

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In that case, I highly doubt it would hurt. I would just make sure to use white so that if you soap does sweat any in the humidity that there isn't any dye from the tissue paper to mess up your soap.

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Thanks for your responses--I did use white with exactly the same thoughts you expressed. I have them all boxed up and ready to deliver but wanted to double check whether this could cause problems--guess I'll deliver this afternoon.

Thanks again,


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When I pack my soap in layers I use wax paper to seperate each layer.

I have also used tissue to wrap soap in and it worked fine. I used the tissue paper with one side that is sortof waterproofed. I got it at the dollar store. Plus, I double wrapped the soap.

I got the idea from a friend of mine who always wraps her CP soap in tissue. I've had some of her soap for months in my linen closet and it still looks like the day I bought it. The tissue is clean and pretty... and smells terrific!

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Thanks so much for your responses--Candybee, I think I used the kind of tissue you're talking about because one side is sort of slick.

I delivered the order yesterday and the bride was excited to see them, so that's always fun.


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No, but I did take some pictures, so I'll try to remember to post one tonight (or at least next time I get a chance to get online from home). I'm at work now and have candles to pour tonight, so it may be a day or two before I get to my home computer.

Thanks for your interest--I was happy with how they turned out and will be delighted to post pictures!


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