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Big fundraiser coming up

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I have landed a very big fundraiser with a ball league of 8 teams over 200 kids. My question is for all the people who do the big fundraisers is there a certain routine or process that will make it easier to get it done more smoothly. I have plenty of help.

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If it is really big, I do one scent at a time, to stop the confusion. I have even labeled the boxes and packed them in the car, and then started on round 2. That keeps it straight. You should come out with a huge fundraiser, if they go out and sell. Makes my day to get those big checks in the mail. You will be fine. Get used to it. Once you do good on one, they tell others and away you go. I am happy for ya Bug. I hope you are selling well at Sams restaurant. Those little tins are the cutest candles there. :yay:

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One thing I did last year was make me an excel spreadsheet of each fragrance and how many I had to make of each. I then had a column that I could write in how many were already made and another column for how many left to pour. These I would just write in with pencil and could easily change as I poured them. This way I could always see what I had left to do at a glance. As I finished a scent I would then highlight it. Helped me keep a better handle on it. Congrats on the big order. Good luck...give yourself plenty of time and you'll be fine.

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Get all your jars wicked for the 1 scent and then pour that one before moving on to the next scent. I always find it helpful to pour a couple extras for the "just in case". :smiley2: Then print the labels. If lucky and it was a large number for that scent they are cool enough to top then and I can top and then move to another area to finish, clean up and label. I usually have a stragler or 2 and they always come up with some extras. Like with the one I am on now, after it was finished 1 lady comes up with her order where she had sold about 35 and was late turning in. Of course with mine being more local and I know all the leaders of the fundraisers that always seems to happen so I told her OK, I would take it. And like was said, just keep a good spread sheet or I just always write in the number on the copy of order form I kept and then go from there.

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