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Special Order Policies???


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What are you policies on special/large orders?

Do you ask for some of the cost upfront? All of it? Any of it?

Do you have a set turnaround time or do you establish one?

I've gotten in a few special orders over the past few months and am starting to feel like I should be requesting some of the cost upfront as I've gotten stuck with stuff from these orders and I'm not very pleased about it.

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I got bummed on some special orders.Not large but did spend alot of time on them.Then when it was all said and done they never paid or got back with me. Not anymore.I want that up front.

For those large orders yes something to get it going.I am doing a large one now but we have been doing business for about 8 months so no problem. Even when she tested my candles she ordered up front.After she decided came the larger order. I trust this person.I was ready to just ship before I got my payment and she insisted I bill her right away.Just I do believe you could get shafted.

All new wholelsale and LARGE orders get at least 1/2 up front.

Like you said you got stuck.I am probably like you don't want someone to think I don't trust them.But you have to cover your expense and time.


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Starr - if you can, get them to at least pay a deposit (non-refundable) which would cover the cost of the ingredients. Then if they change their mind, you are not out anything.

Exactly. the only thing you areout of is your time. Hopefully it is something you can sell somewhere else.

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I guess if they feel put back by paying ahead they just might pull out and not go through.We have to think that way and not how we do think"We are being pushy".

If we ask them to pay something up front then we would know it would have been a problem if they suddenly back out and pay nothing.

I get orders on-line but they aren't completely finished.I make an effort to e-mail them.I have the whole order but no payment and they never answer.So they changed their mind. That quick!!!!!!!!


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Any order on my site needs to be paid in full before I begin the order. On very large orders, they pay for the product first, and sometimes I re-charge their card for the shipping when the products are packed. On very large orders, I tell them that I will not know the exact shipping until the order is packed, as I always check the right size box and shipping services for the least expensive. I do estimate the shipping cost for them first, of course, so they have an idea and they are happy with that and the reason for it. No special order is refundable. I have that posted on the site, and tell them also if they call the order in(which 99% do). I've been doing it that way for at least 6 years now. I've only ever had one problem with someone who wanted to back out, but when their attorney looked it up in the web archives(yes, you can do that!)and saw that the statement about no refunds was there for years, the complaint was dropped. So if you want to do no refunds, you really should have it on your site in writing so it can be documented that it was there before they placed the order.

Lynn, if your site works like mine, payment is the last thing the customer does. Sometimes they just want to find out what the total with shipping will be before they complete the order. I think the non payment orders we get are those just wanting the total cost, and with shipping costs always rising, I think that makes the difference!:(

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Yes that is way my shopping cart is but shipping goes by amount of order.Really not alot at all.I haven't raised shipping except for orders over $50 I believe.0-$20 is $5.00.I am about to raise that a bit.

What the one order was a HUGE order for tarts. I have Free mailing but the lady wanted a 8 ounce tin candle.So of course there would be shipping.I mean the tart order I think was alone about $40.00. But she backed out.Shipping was like $8.00. So for all those tarts and candle that was good but she must have thought Free.


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