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frustrated trying to remember


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In the last few years of not making soap it seems I have forgotten everything I knew about soap making.Still cant find my recipe book with all my old notes in it. My soapMaker program didn't save my soap recipes. Im trying to remember how to make a simple CP salt soap to get me started back. I know I used to make it 50% Coconut oil and 50% salt.At least that's what I think I remember.:sad2: If someone would be so kind as to read what I figured and tell me if Im on the right track I'd be grateful.

I don't remember how much my mold held so I did w (3.5) x h (2.75) x l ( 20) x .40 and came up with 77.00, half of which is 38.50 so I put that in my program then added 38.50 for salt. Im hoping I got this much right.

I don't remember if I'm suppose to change anything in the soap maker in the lye water ratio its giving me a N/A and a lye discount of 6%. saying 6.88 oz of lye is needed

water discount is 0%, 17.04 oz of water needed

Am I even close? I don't know, it just feels like Im forgetting something or not doing something right here. I'm not having much luck searching through posts so any more places to read more and refresh my memory would be great. TIA

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50% coconut oil and 50% salt isn't making sense to me. What are you using for the other 50% oils? I have a couple different ones I make but one of them is 80% coconut and 20% canola with salt equal to oil weigh. HTH and PM me if you have any questions.

I used to make a salt soap from an old recipe on the old boards here candletech. The only oil it called for was coconut and you used the same amount of no iodine table salt. It made a great bar of soap lots of suds and I couldn't keep it on the shelves. I'm just not remembering how it worked amount wise. I do know its a 50/50 recipe. I wish I could find it in the archives but its not there anymore. When I enter my mold size into summer bee meadows recipe calculator its giving me 74.89 oz oil and 74.89 salt

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I don't use 100% Coconut Oil I like to add some Shea, Avacodo and 5% Castor to mine.

75% Coconut

15% Avocado

5% Shea

5% Castor


Thanks Babs I wrote your recipe down to give it a try. I see your from Alabama too.

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