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How long will products stay safe?

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As some of you may or may not know, my daughter died suddenly 6 weeks ago tomorrow..everything I'm reading is telling me not to make any major decisions for a full year. I'm not worried about my oils and my candlemaking supplies, but I am worried about my B&B stock. I have about 60lbs of wsp soap base in block form untouched...I don't want to sell anything because god knows how much this stuff will go up in price...if I just store everything in a cool dark place will my base still be safe to use if/when I make a decision to start up my business again? At first I thought making soaps and candles would be a distraction but my heart isn't into it and I never know from day to day if I can even lift my head off of my pillow. I just don't want to waste the time storing stuff that might go bad. Any help would be appreciated.

Please say a prayer for my Claire

thanks guys, ann marie

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Ann Marie, It's hard to believe that it's been almost 6 wks. It seems like yesterday, and you've been in my thoughts constantly.

I've kept soap base stored for at least 2 yrs without a problem. Just make sure that it's wrapped properly.

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I really don't know the answer to your question either...but I would suggest asking the supplier as well...I know that God has Claire in the palm of his hand as he loves children and she is experiencing a wonderful place now. Keep yourself strong and motivated and prayers will go out to you and all your family...God Bless you & your family!!!

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