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Need packaging help

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Sorry if this is answered in another post, but I couldn't find it.

I just got started and made a few sachet bags of aroma beads which I sent to my hubby who is deployed. Now everyone where he is seems to want some. My problem is how to I package these so that the scents don't mingle in the box on the way there? (His were all vanilla so I didn't have this problem)

Thanks in advance!

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I am starting the corn cob sachets again. Havent shipped any yet but if I would I might use the cello bags that I use to pack tarts. That is if they fit.They are kinda bulky with the corn cob.

I have at time with tarts (packaged in the cello bags) used paper towels between them when shipping.My one customer who buys them has never complained but they are in the cello bags and then covered again with the paper towel. Could use old newspaper or tissue paper(this is kinda expensive)


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Yes the ones I use hold the scent.You can get them at just about any candle supplier.

Make sure they are the right ones.Maybe someone can help you with that.I get mine at Candles and Supplies or At Wix End. If you have a local supplier be sure to ask them if they do hold the scent and not suck it out of the fresheners or tarts(like I do)

There have been many posts about the ones you want and ones not to use.


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Thank you, thank you, thank you! :yay:

I was so thrown and confused because I really only was making them for hubby and then he calls tonight and says he has 2 people who definitly want some and more who are trying to decide!

You may hear my head explode wherever you are as I really wasn't prepared to have things move so fast! :P

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I sell my sachets with the scented material sealed in ziplock cello bag. Then I package that small zippered bag inside another larger cello zip bag with the instructions and sachet bag - they place the scented materials in once they are ready to use it. I found the double bagging is the only way to keep the scent from migrating.

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Ok, now I need more help. I got my bags, everything is getting made in regard to the sachets, but I'm having a really tough time with my labels.

I am trying to create a card that tents with my logo, name and website on one side and my warning info on the other. But every template I've tried messes up and doesn't print everything or turns my typing over so my warning is upside down when it prints.

Does anyone have a trusted template or a resource for someone who can print these?

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You can use any template that is 4x2 (or whatever size you need-just taller than wide). Put 2 text boxes in with your information. Back of the tag (instructions, etc) is the bottom box, front (logo, scent, etc) is in the top box. Then turn the top text box 180*.

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