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:( This question my seem silly but has anybody here ever developed hives at any time during your candle making days.

I have had hives now for almost 2 weeks, have missed over 1 week of work. I am hoping that it does not have anything to do with my working with new FO's. I would like to be able to put that idea out of my head. I would hate to not be able to continue learning about making candles. It is so much fun. I finally found something that I really enjoy and you all are so helpful and nice. Please tell me that this could not be what has caused my problem!:sad2:

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Did you talk to your doctor about this??

It could be the FO, Wax, something you ate, lotion you use, just about anything.

My son gets hives that will turn into wheels and welts.

We still don't know what it is other than an unknown food allergy.

It can be very scary...

Quit using the oils for a few days and see if the hives go away..

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Yes I have been to the doctor three times. Once to a dermatologist and twice to my family practice. Don't you think they would be able to help? Sometimes I wonder what good some of these doctors are.

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I had an unknown allergic reaction a few years ago that lasted some years, but eventually went away. My skin is still sensitive (always has been, but this reaction took it to the extreme), but it has cleared up and is manageable. And, yes, doctors can suck.

I would leave the FOs alone and see if this is the problem or try wearing gloves.

I hope you feel better!

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Twice I developed skin irritations on the backs of my hands when I made my spring line candles. My skin was bumpy, itchy, and red looking for days. I used a cortisome cream and it cleared right up. I assume it was one of more of that particular line of fragrances that was responsible because I never in my life had this happen and it only happened just after I made the candles.

So yes-- you can definitely get a reaction from the fragrance oils. They contain a lot of chemicals.

I started wearing gloves and no more skin reactions.

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Hives generally happen because of something we ingest or breathe in. FO is a strong suspect. You can use a respirator (one of the good cartridge, Atom Ant lookin' type) to prevent breathing in the strong fumes. However, hives are kinda serious and if I got them from making candles, I would not make candles, personally.:undecided

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