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etched candles

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Macy, if you Google "glass paint" you'll find a lot of hits, not only about the different products used but several places that instruct one on technique. HTH :)

PS One thing to remember: glass paint, particularly the kind that has to be "baked" in the oven, has a LOT of chemicals in it that are really, really bad for you. Take all precautions about ventilation seriously!!

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You can etch on candles, but you'll need to get some clay tools. It's a tedious process (or can be). You can outline stencils onto candles and pull some of the wax off if you want. IF that's what you were looking at.

Take some wax shavings in a different color and roll and press the candle into it where you've cut into the surface and you can get some cool looking stuff and two tones of one color.

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We boucht a sandblaster, and vinyl cutter.

Chris, what kind of blaster & vinyl cutter did you buy (if ya don't mind sharing) and how do you like them?

Take some wax shavings in a different color and roll and press the candle into it where you've cut into the surface and you can get some cool looking stuff and two tones of one color.

What a neat idea, Scented! Thanks!! :)

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