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tester jars

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Does anybody have a easy way to get wax out of old tester jars? I now have a bunch of jars sitting here that I want to reuse to test a new scent, but I'm having a problem getting the wax out. It is just the residual wax that is on the side of the jar. I've put them in my dishwasher with extra heat, upside down in the oven and even washed with scaulding hot water. I still have this waxy film on them.

The other option would be just to pour my next tester with this film, but that does not seem like it would give me a true test burn.

Did anybody else have this problem and what do they do to solve it.


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I warm mine in the oven (I would NEVER put them in the dishwasher!) and wipe them out with a paper towel. If I want them really squeaky clean, I wash them in a basin of HOT water with Dawn and Parson's sudsy ammonia, rinse in ultra hot water and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth or paper towel.

For testers, I really don't care enough to go to a lot of trouble. I heat them upside down in the oven on a rack in a large disposable aluminum pan. I take them out while still hot and wipe with a paper towel and allow them to air dry. There may be a little residual film on them, but it isn't anything much and I am not testing for how the candle looks anyway - I'm testing for wicking and hot throw. :)

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I'm picky with my testers too. Are you using veg wax? I put them in the oven to melt the wax, pour melted wax in the garbage, paper towel out(don't want any wax going down in the pipes), then hand wash them in hot soapy water. Mine get squeaky clean. Before I pour a new candle in them I spray some all purpose cleaner in the container and use a micro cloth to wipe them out. I find this really helps cut down on wet spots.

I like my testers to look nice while I'm testing them.

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I'm picky with my testers too. Are you using veg wax? I put them in the oven to melt the wax, pour melted wax in the garbage, paper towel out(don't want any wax going down in the pipes), then hand wash them in hot soapy water. Mine get squeaky clean. Before I pour a new candle in them I spray some all purpose cleaner in the container and use a micro cloth to wipe them out. I find this really helps cut down on wet spots.

I like my testers to look nice while I'm testing them.

I do mine like yours, except haven't tried all purpose cleaner - do you mean like 409 or something like that?

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