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EO and hot throw in GW415

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Hi there, my wife and I have been experimenting with some candles and think we have the feathering palm down ok with pillars, tarts and votives.

We have lately been experimenting with the GW415 soy wax and essential oils. We have just tried a Lime EO and are using it at a ration of approximately 6%. The cold throw just about knocks you off your feet, but the hot throw is non existant.

I am sitting here in my office at the moment test burning 8 different candles made from the soy with Lime EO and the cold throw of my palm melon & mago canldes is way stronger.

I would appreciate any suggestions that people may have in regards to getting some kind of hot throw from the soy. We would really like to keep using the 100% soy. We dont have too much options for changing our wax or fragrance supplier as we are located in Perth Australia with not too many wholesalers around.

I look forward to any suggestions.


Richard :mad:

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Hey Richard..

Sorry I can't help you with EO's as I have never used them in soy.

Plus they are expensive to use for candles..

But there are certain FO's that will throw great in soy and some will not throw at all.. It is hit or miss.. At the top of this forum, there is a list for soy FO's that other members found to work.


I hope this helps and good luck testing...

Would love to visit Australia someday!! Good Day!!!

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Hi Islandgirl and thanks for the reply. We are doing quite well with the FO's in the palm, but really wanted to keep the soy range 100% natural pwith no additives etc etc.

Guess that idea is not going to be so easy though. We still have 4oz of Lavendar EO to use, so I may get some container palm and try it in that to see how it throws.

If it ends up that the EO's are too hard to use then so be it, but I will give it another shot using the palm instead of the soy.

As said the cold throw in the soy is awesome, but when it comes to hot throw it just isnt there, although the well read about fuel smell is........

Ahhh back to some further testing. And I thought golf was frustrating, they should try pouring candles :)


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No not really, although I am currently doing that. Am going to basically forget about the soy candles that I have here now for the next couple of weeks and then go ahead and light one to see what difference that makes.



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Hi Richard!

I have a bit of experience with EO's and soy. Hopefully this will help you some. :)

I've tested a variety of different types of EO and found that for the most part two things happened with "most" citrus oils. First is that they often burned off during the cooling and or burning process due to the heat produced. There are exceptions to this such as ten fold orange eo. That did not burn off and was FANTASTIC but also quite a bit more expensive than standard sweet orange eo which is pretty cheep. Secondly due to the natural components in oils such as citrus, mints, some cloves and some eucalyptus, there was a screming obnoxious fuel smell when burning. BLECH!

I have tested some that did excellent! I did not have much luck with lavender no matter what amount I paid for it, but I had and continue to have excellent luck with Lavandin Grosso, a hybrid lavender. Throws like a bomb! Patchouli is excellent as is Ylang Ylang but make sure you get a 2nd press or first. They are much nicer and throw better IMHO.

I did OK with Geranium, and Cedarwood Atlas was OK too. I really have not set up any new testing with EO's in about 7 years but when I did sell them I had a few blends that did great for me. Sadly not enough to keep a business all in EO. :( Fragrance oils just tended to as a whole most often work better for me. There are some people who don't want that and you can always work a small number of EO scented candles into the mix to please almost anyone :)

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Its all so hard. After doing much reading it seems as though the citrus EO's in particular dont like to play in soy.

We are trying another batch in the same containers using the same wax with a melon FO to see how that goes. We have used the GW 464 before with both clean linen & vanilla cinnamon FO and they are both fine as far as hot and cold throw are concerned.

Dont really know whether it is even worthwhile persuing the EO's for the small market share that actually want and are prepared to pay the extra for them?



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Hi Richard. We use 100% EO in palm pillars and soy and use 5%. We have excellent CT and HT and have never had problems with anyone saying that the scent was too weak. When they burn they are to die for and fragrance the whole room (who said EO gave a weaker scent throw!!!) You don't need the exorbatant priced EO to get a good result either. The EO are more expensive but chosen well can not be out of the ball park.

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Hi Circle. I have heard that some of the EO's are great and some are not. Maybe its just the one we started with, being Lime. I hear citrus are not all that great and we did definitely get that fuel smell when it was buring.

I currently have some Lavendar EO here so may try that one next. Dont have too much choice really as I have to wait till I get paid again in 2 weeks to go out and get some more wax and scents. So frustrating, wanting to create and not having the product to go ahead and do it :)



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Hi Circle. I have heard that some of the EO's are great and some are not. Maybe its just the one we started with, being Lime. I hear citrus are not all that great and we did definitely get that fuel smell when it was buring.

I currently have some Lavendar EO here so may try that one next. Dont have too much choice really as I have to wait till I get paid again in 2 weeks to go out and get some more wax and scents. So frustrating, wanting to create and not having the product to go ahead and do it :)



Hi Richard. Lavender is great in 100% soy. Others are may chang, peppermint, mandarin to name a few. Never tried lime, but it is quite a weak EO IMO

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Richard. Lavender is great in 100% soy. Others are may chang, peppermint, mandarin to name a few. Never tried lime, but it is quite a weak EO IMO

Circle, dont know about the lime being weak. It has just about blown me out of the house, feeling sick from the smell of it. Added at 6%.

We have now melted and repoured adding some French Vanilla FO to the lime to tone it down a little. It has definitely made a difference, although to my nose it is still vbery very strong.

Yet to try the Lavender, which we will probably pour this weekend.



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I have also started testing GW415 with essential oils and have tried 2 so far. Sweet Orange was a no go with a horrid fuel smell which I pretty much expected. Lavender 40/42 smells wonderful! Excellent hot and cold throw. I'm going to be testing fir needle next and will let you know how it goes! I have been making and selling palm wax candles using fragrance oils as our main candle line for a little more than 2 years now and people love them. I have just been having so many requests for essential oil candles that, like you I finally decided to give it a shot.

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Hi Catlin

Yes I had heard that the orange oil gave off a horrid fuel smell. As said above we have now blended some French vanilla FO with the Lime EO, which has definitely toned it down quite a bit and for the most part gotten rid of the fuel smell.

Still have to try the Lavender, which we may get to this weekend, although we have just got some more supplies today so have quite a few to pour and test, including some great food fragrances, hot chocolate, creme caramel, which knowing the taste of most Australians just wont go well at all.

We have been to the US twice and love the way that you guys do country and prim stuff, which Aussies just dont get at all. We are looking at introducing a bakery range of melts which we hope will do well here, but it is a bit of an investment as the silicon molds all have to come from the States as you cannot get anything like that here at all.

I see your from AZ. Love it there and spent 4 weeks in Tucson back in 1999 and then another week in 2000. Great place and great weather :)

I also notice that you are doing palm pillars. We also have a range of palm pillars and for the life of me I just cannot seem to get one size wicked correctly.

Our 3" x 6.5" are working just fine, however no matter what size wick I have used, out 2" x 6.5" will consistantly blow out. Its getting to the point nopw where we are looking at dropping the 2" from the range which creates a problem as we were planning on selling the pillars in a matching set of 3. ANy suggestions you may have would be welcomed. Hard to explain the wick type as they are locally made in Australia, not do we have the selection that you guys have once again.



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