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Clear Soap Base


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wsp has one that's pretty clear--or at least clearer than most that I've tried. I also have a block from Kangaroo Blue that seems to be even clearer, but I haven't tried it yet.

BTW--the fo has been the tricky part for me. For the most part, I've just been using a little cucumber melon for these children's soaps that I need to be clear. I got tired of testing for cloudiness and just stuck with that one since I got good results.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Ox_B_love

Okay i know this post is somewhat old, but i just bought clear m&p soap the other day from michaels. That is probably the clearest i have ever seen, its clear to where after you color it you can still see your hand through it. One of the fragrance oils seemed to have made one batch of my soap a little foggy but it was still good. Figured i would let you know incase you were still wondering. I never thought something like michaels craft store would have greattt clear m&p soap.*super banana*

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I don't like Michael's base at all. If the soap is for decorative purposes, perhaps that is one thing. But for me the lather was awful. I do not know if they have improved it since.

I have found (like one person already mentioned) that it is largely the fragrance oil that does the damage and clouds the soap. Some oils are so yellow and the yellow color tints the base.

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I have used Michael's base in a pinch and added glycerin to it for the lathering problem, and it's wonderful! Never had a problem with too soft, too hard, etc. It may seem expensive, but I'll tell you, when you add in the shipping cost from other places, suddenly your per lb. price isn't all that bad...

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