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I am so new to this it is not funny. I have only done the Crock Pot method of soaping and some melt & pour. I have a recipe that I am tweaking to make my own and running everything through the calculator.

There are several things that I do not understand when I am looking on the forum. (By the way, there are some extremely talented people here and I am very jealous)

What does ISO stand for?

What is a "Co-Op"

What does "Pre-buy" mean?

How long does it take for your DH to finally trust you and use your soap?

Best lesson so far, do not use plantain leaves in soap. It really stinks.

Here is my basic recipe, please help me to tweak this.

3.2 oz Canola

12.8 oz Crisco

6.4 oz Olive Oil

9.6 oz Coconut

4.56 oz Lye

12.16 oz Liquid

I have bought some raw silk to start adding to the lye. Also, I have bought a bunch of fragrance oils. It is very difficult to get different oils to use. I am making a trip to a city this weekend to purchase some other things and would like some advice on what other things that I need to get. I have some soap already that is hardening and a couple of rebatches that I really screwed up and I will post them soon. I would really like some constructive criticism to help me. One of the hardest things that I have to learn is "How much is too much".

Thanks, Lorrie

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What does ISO stand for? In Search Of

What is a "Co-Op" a co-op is a group purchase, coordinated by one person. this way we can buy in bulk and save money that way or get stuff that is only sold in huge amounts

What does "Pre-buy" mean? a pre-buy is the opportunity to purchase something before the supplier actually owns it. there is usually some sort of discount involved.

How long does it take for your DH to finally trust you and use your soap? don't have a DH (I have an ex) but it takes a mother about 3 years and counting...

ETA: your recipe is a little on the soft side, but I'll bet it makes a nice creamy lather.

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I have Canola, Olive, Coconut, Crisco, Soybean and Castor. I can get that at Walmart. I have some Grapeseed and a little Apricot Kernel Oil. That is all we can get around here. I am making a trip to Hot Springs tomorrow and I am going to try to find some Palm oil. Don't know exactly where to look though. I really appreciate all your help and I am going to try your recipes. I hate having to order everything because shipping is so high. I am hoping to find some Avacado oil, Shea Butter, and/or Cocoa Butter this weekend, too. I am also going to try to find some Rice Bran oil, after all it is Arkansas and we grow lots of Rice here, surely someone will have it. I'd just like to have a consistant recipe so that I can concentrate on colors, scents and such.

I do have a question about "discounting" though. If the calculator shows a 5% discount, do I add more oils after trace?

Also, I know this has been asked before and I just can't find it, How much fragrance oil to I add per pound of soap? I use FO's because the EO's are so darn expensive.

Thank you,


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I would suggest that you do alot of reading here since many of the questions you are asking can be found in old threads. Within alot of these threads you will find further links to other useful information that is there for your beneift. Be careful though, you can get a bit overwhelmed with the information, but it really is to your best interest to read as much as you can and ask questions about what you don't understand.

As far as finding Avacado oil, Shea Butter, and/or Cocoa Butter in a store, that could be challenging. You will more than likely have to order from the internet. For some stuff, its a bummer, but there is just no getting around it to avoid shipping.

Also since you mentioned that people are asking for veggie soaps from you, I'd make sure you really know what you are doing and get that insurance in place before you start selling.

The amount of FO depends on that scent. Some can be used at lesser amounts while others need more. And then some, aren't soap safe and some just don't soap well.

I'd wait on trying to master discounting until you understand the soaping process better. Adding more oils at trace is not discounting water. Discounting water is just that - reducing the amount of water/liquid you use to disperse your lye. Adding extra oil at trace is considered superfatting which is a whole other beast with arguements on how effective it really is since lye can not differeniate between fats. You can find info on this in old threads.

Good luck and have fun. And Welcome to the board. :)

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I have been reading for a couple of months before I even tried my first batch of lye soap. I have only made CPHP soap at this point. Trying to make sure that get a good basic recipe that is consistent. This is not a business for me, it is a hobby that I find relaxing and fun. For now it is only for friends and family as gifts. My SIL makes candles and I swap with her. I don't care for making the candles, but I like having them. She has too many kids running around to have Lye in her house. I am an empty nester since my youngest has joined the Navy.

If I could just get my husband to try it, I think he would stop using the store bought stuff.

I recently made some with whole cucumbers that I replaced the distilled water with. I also dried the ground peels and dried them off with paper towels and put in it with no fragrances added. My brother has very dry and cracked hands and he just love this one. I also made some with coffee that seems to be great in the kitchen. The smells started out kinda bad but have mellowed out real nice.

I've only had one batch, so far, that has been so bad that no amount of time is helping. It is the one that I put plantain leaves in. (Don't do that). Oh well, live and learn. I have ordered some sample fragrance oil kits from Brambleberry to try so that I can chose a few to work with.

I've got some that I am drying right now and I will post a few picture so that I can get some feedback.

I truly appreciate constructive criticism and comments.



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Finally! The first one is Wine-N-Roses, Next is a rebatched Blueberry Cake. Had to rebatch because it was just too stong for my liking. 3rd is Oatmeal with Cocoa for color with no extra fragrance. 4th is Tangerine. I really like this one. 5th is the Cucumber without extra fragrance. I like how this one feels. 6th is the Plantain that is just kinda smelly. I rebatched it and added in a bunch of other scraps to try and cut the smell.







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Also, I'd like to edit my profile, but when I click on the link, it says that I do not have that privilege. What do I need to do? Also, trying to post pictures. Having trouble. You'd think that I had never used a computer before!

I've the same problem, perhaps we've to wait some hours?

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Thank you. This is a most satisfying hobby. It is creative and functional at the same time.

Changing Profile - I have been registered for several days now. Maybe you have to have a couple of posts under your belt or something. We'll see.

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Took my BF...now DH over a year to use my soaps...he likes me to wash his back in the shower so I got to the point that his back didnt get washed unless it was with my soap....took a while but he is converted now and in my biggest fan!!:cheesy2:

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