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Aromatherapy, Spa scents

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I know this is going to seem like a really stupid question... I almost don't want to ask. But I am just curious, I have yet to offer "aromatherapy" scents in my candles. Do you have to use the traditional scents? Is there some regulation to it? Or can I pick a scent and label it as I see fit. Such as citrus - refreshing, lavender - soothing and so on and so on. Just curious on your opinions and what u do.

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Look up a list of aromatherapy scents. You can make up your own names. If you can add some true essential oil to them, it makes them better. People are really getting into that. Look at B&B Works. They have so many new aromatherapy scents. You can call them Lay Me Down Lavender if you want to. It is your creation. Try adding different ones together to make your own designer fragrances. And it helps to have a little chart that explains what each fragrance it used for. They love that at the shows. :)

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