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Since things are sorta slow right now:sad2: I was trying to think of something new to test. If you don't mind was wondering what seems to be selling best for you online. I was sorta thinking of trying some aromatherapy/spa type candles in smaller containers using soy and essential oils. Or maybe bakery type candles - like cupcakes, muffins, bundt cakes, cake candles or something along those lines. Anyone with suggestions? :undecided

Hope this isn't wrong section, if is mod please correct!!

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I tried some new scents also Scented but had just a couple that wanted votives in each 12 that I had. Yeah, I know 12 is a lot at one time but I was bored!!!!! I don't do shows so I just have local customers and online sales. Tried shows 1 year and they were not worth the time and trouble. My dear DIL and DS was so glad when I said no more on my last one:yay:

I live in a small town that has a lot of people working in jobs that if you don't work you don't get paid, including me!!!!

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Hopefully Mother's Day will be good. Valentine has never been special time for me. I think the main thing is the economy has to somehow pick up. Candles are not a necessity so I think most buy right now only necessities :(

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Well actually as people cut back on expenses, candles are the alternative for light. There are some out there who have gone to that to cut back on electric bills. I suppose if I could cook quickly over a candle flame, I might look at that since my stove/oven is slowly dying.

You could look at green stuff for St. Patty's Day too.

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I may be dating myself even more than actual age but when I was a little girl and staying with Granny her only light was a kerosene lamp and they cooked on wood stoves!!! I loved it, my aunt when she got ready to iron put the irons in front of fire to get hot!!! Those were the really good ole days for me, I am sure it wasn't for them! But Granny finally gave me a kerosene lamp and at home, we had electricity, Granny lived in country. I would turn my light off in bedroom I shared with younger sister and we used the kerosene lamp for light! We loved it :yay:

But Scented maybe St Patty's day is an idea. I am about 30 miles or so from Dublin GA and they have a really big St Patty's day celebration.

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Scented - I think we just need to call each other up and have a good talk :) We have a fireplace but DH hardly ever builds a fire. I love a fire but he says I am never in room to enjoy it and it's also a lot of work keeping it going. I spend way to much time in my shop. Gotta learn to just get out and rest my brain!!!! I tell you what, just come join me and we'll get him to build a fire for us and just sit and enjoy :yay:

I'll see if I can get some ideas for SPD. They have a craft show I think but just not up to doing that all over again. Besides my dear DIL or DS would disown me if I did.

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