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Blending P1 and Glass Glow

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Hi all -

I don't post here much, but I sure do read alot. First, I would like to thank everyone who posts! I have learned a great deal over the past year and a half just reading , reading, reading....:)

Recently I have been testing a new candle formula by blending Palm 1 (CW) and Glass Glow (CS). Has anyone ever experimented with this? The final result is cracking through out the candle (top and sides).

It never stops, it's always " I wonder what would happen if....":confused:

Thanks for you input,


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My first question would be "why"?

Glass Glow is a container blend and the other is a pillar blend - two different waxes formulated with difference purposes in mind... All I would expect to get from such a blend is a pillar wax that doesn't perform properly and a container wax that doesn't either... :confused:

What problems were you trying to correct? What were you hoping to achieve?

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Hi Stella -

Thank you for your reply!

The palm 1 that I got from CW is a crystalizing container fill and the crystalization resembles more of a frost palm.

And everytime I burn GG my wicks flicker and I wanted to continue using 10% FO. I thought if I mixed the two and add a little CO, my flames would calm down and stop the flicker.

I remelted the mix yesterday - heated to 195, poured at 195 into a apothecary (16 oz) jar- room temp, and let cure on a rack. Today it's just bumpy on top, but no cracks. When it was first poured, my husband did it, so I really don't know what he did....

I was just wondering it anyone else where mixing palm waxes and if so, the results they got.



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10% is a very high fragrance load, especially for palm wax! I use 1 oz. pp and have no problems with a good hot throw. More, IMHO, is simply a waste of FO and money.

You didn't mention what wicks/size you are using - I use CDNs in GG and pillar palm waxes and have no problem with flickering. I suspect your high FO load is contributing to this problem.

Try covering your palm wax containers after pouring for maximum crystal patterns and to help reduce the rate of cooling. You didn't mention relief holes - is it possible that the "cracks" you are talking about are because you are cooling your palm candles too fast and not reducing the air trapping that occurs with palm wax?

Palm wax is NOT like soy wax - adding CO, mixing different waxes, etc. just isn't necessary to get excellent results. That's one of the nice things about palm wax: ya don't have to use additives (other than palm stearic for pillars & molded candles to aid with release).

From what you have said, I think your biggest problem is adding too much FO. CW doesn't state a load for the Palm 1 container blend, but their other palm waxes state 5%. I've never used more than 6% in palm wax and have excellent results both with burning characteristics and with hot throw. If your candle doesn't have good hot throw at a lower load, look to your wicking or try FO from another supplier. HTH :)

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