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Yes, another wick question

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Okay I've been testing RRDs and LX series' for about a month now.. new to all this so I've got a lot of trial and error of course.

I am using GW444 and pouring into 16 oz Colonial Apothecary jars, 4" in diameter. Following the usual instructions for temps when heating, adding fragrance (8% using Creamy Praline Pecan) and color, and pouring.

I wicked a few jars the other day, and I really thought I had finally gotten it with the LX-26. The burn was perfect, aside from mushrooming (for which I have decided I will try and decrease my FL to 6%). Had a full melt pool, no smoking, no issues, let it burn for just over 4 hours, then put it out. The jar was definitely cool enough to handle for any length of time.. I loved it.

Went to do my second burn today and I have a 3/4 inch hangup all the way around the jar... :shocked2: Why would it do this? I am wondering if the FL has anything to do with it? I did trim the wick, still getting mushrooming so would the mushroom tend to inhibit the heat from the flame any?

Is this typical for a second burn? Should I try another size up? Peak's wicking chart in their catalog suggested an LX 24 for this size jar, but to wick up with soy, so I wicked one with the LX 24 and one with the LX 26. The LX 24 is doing exactly as I figured, I have about 1/8 inch of hangup all the way around after 4 hours of burn time.

The RRD series just didn't cut it with this wax for some reason.. I tried double wicking as low as the RRD 40s, and single wicking all the way up to RRD 55. The RRD 55 never got a full MP and the double RRD 40s just got wayyyy too hot. Excellent MP but I couldn't handle the jar at all.

Any suggestions???


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Okay well I guess I am going to get some CDs and possibly also some ECOs since others seem to have better luck with them in this wax,, I may also try double wicking with a smaller LX... or going up a size.

but I am still curious as to why I would get a full MP on the first burn, but not the second? Any ideas?

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That is not as uncommon as you would think. Your first burn your wick is fresh. On the next burn no matter how you trim it the wick is going to have some burnt carbon stuff left on it and that is what cause the decrease in heat. That is a major reason why you never decide on a wick with the first few burns. Your mushroom is adding to the problem. I personally never thought LX was a good wick for soy.

CD, HTP, ECO are the better choice for this wax. Cotton cored are good also try peak cotton core you might like it better than the RRD wicking.

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That carbon your talking about I get more on the eco's than the lx's. After my first initial burn every time I light the candle again with the eco it is hard to light and the wick is crispy. When I light my candles again the next day I have to hold the lighter on the eco's a lot longer until they light up. The lx and rrd's light up right away, but the lx seems to mushroom badly.

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Hi Firestarter-

If you liked the LX with the first burn and got a FM with no issues, I would stick with the LX.

The C&S describes the LX wick as virtually self-trimming, so I usually don't trim my wicks. I had asked my friends and family what they liked in candles as far as; scent, color, jar... and the biggest thing is the scent (of course). The next thing is not having to trim the stupid wick everytime. When I burn the LX on the 2nd or 3rd burn, I start seeing white ash at the tip, which indicated to me that it is trimming itself. And yes, I get the mushrooming too, I just ignore it...

So try the LX again & just don't trim it... Just a suggestion.

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According to the wicking chart from Wickit, you are on the low end for 3-4" containers. Try wicking up one or two sizes. DO trim the wick... although LXs have a self-trimming stance, most do require trimming to 1/4" before burning. Leaving carbon on the end of a wick simply further reduces the heat output. Your FO load is a little high which can contribute to incomplete combustion - try the 1 oz./pp load.

If you like the LXs, then stick with them. If not, try CDNs. :)

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