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wick problems

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I am using zinc wicks I think, it has been so long since I bought them and I dont have the packaging but I have real problems with the soot leaving black marks on my wall and if I have a bunch of candles burning at a time then I have problems with, Sorry if this is to much info, when I blow my nose there is a bunch of black stuff. IS there some other kind of wick I can use so I dont have this problem?


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Good lord! How many candles are you burning that you are getting black smoke in your nose?

BTW-- zinc cored wicks work fine if they are trimmed properly and are the right size for the right jar. This is a jar candle you're talking about?

There are many different types of wicks to try if you want a different kind.

There are cotton cored, coreless, self trimming, eco-wicks, etc. It would help if you gave some info on the type of candle and wax you are using so peeps can give you a starting point.

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  • 1 month later...
Sorry it has been so long, new baby has kept me busy. I will be burning about 10 candles in the house. It is not for testing, just to burn. The wicks are cotton wicks from ky.

I believe cotton wicks burn hotter than zincs. This maybe why they are sooting.

Please don't take this in a wrong way, but with a new baby, isn't burning 10 candles at once too much?

If those candles are not wicked properly, have the potiental to soot and and you are have evidence of black soot inside your nose, this might not be healthy for your baby to breath.

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I burn them when he is not here.

Still, the chemicals from the FOs and the residual soot from combustion is still in the air when he returns!

when I blow my nose there is a bunch of black stuff

This alone should tell you that there is something way wrong or you are simply burning too many candles at one time without proper ventilation! If your nose blows black stuff, imagine what your windpipe & lungs look like?

What kind of wax are you using, how much FO and what size wick?

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This is why I posted on here, when I relized what was going on. To fix the problem. I was going to sell all the candle stuff but I came here to see if I could find help.

Using 51-32-18 cotton wicks in 2 1/2 to 3 in jars.

Using one ounce of fragance oil per pound

Single pour container wax Igi 4630a is the wax I am using.

Does it matter how old they are? When I moved a lot of this stuff sat in storage for a while. I have had these things for 2 years now. Could that be the issue?

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  • 1 month later...

Age of the candles shouldn't have an effect. Jelly jars are about the same size diameter and I use only a 44-24-18 zinc core wick. Don't know how that converts to paper.

The wicks need to be kept trimmed to abate the sooting. But still, 10 candles at one time seems a bit much.

May I recommend that you also check the furnace air filter and change it - if you are seeing sooty evidence in a kleenex it's bound to have affected the filter too.


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Try only burning one or two then if you want more fragrance make a few wickless and use those.(I trim my wicks every hour or so,then re-light) I am a power burner myself that is why I switched to soy wax..it,imo, is much cleaner to burn.HTH..I am burning 4 candles right now..lol! I love them too! :smiley2:


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