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464/444 ECO wick difference

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hi everyone,

i've been working with 464 since march of last year. i'd like to start testing some 444 in prep for the summer, and maybe for melts, since the 464 is so soft. i've found a number of posts that talk about the CD wicks in 464 and 444, it looks like most people go up 2 sizes in 444, but nothing about ECO.

any 464/444 people who use ECO wicks and are willing to share?



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I'm using ECO in my 444. Thus far for me, the recommendation chart on JBN has been dead on. I've used either a 10 or 12 in each and every jar of my size.

Now double wicking is one area I'm having trouble... can't seem to find anyone else who double wicks with ECO and 444 :(

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I use double eco wick 14 in my 16 oz apoth jars with 415 wax. So far it has worked real well with me. I have used them with heavy scents and colors like home sweet home and lighter scents. I have tested those jars with many other wicks and the only other ones that worked was double lx 37 with no color, then when I added color it did'nt burn. Don't know if that helps you or not. Good luck.

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coffeebean i've never heard of an lx 37? do they really come that big?

caramel, whose scents do you use? i've had really good results with the eco wicks. i use candle science FOs. in the beginning when i didn't get a good burn/throw, i would increase the wick size. then one day i tried two sizes in two testers of the same FO, load, jar, dye, everything the same, and the smaller wick actually worked better, the bigger one choked. i think it was burning too much oil and got clogged. i'm really not sure, but i've wicked down on most things and get a better, longer, "throwier" (ok, so i made up a word :) ) burn. might be worth a try.

anyway, good luck whatever you decide to do!

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coffeebean i've never heard of an lx 37? do they really come that big?

caramel, whose scents do you use? i've had really good results with the eco wicks. i use candle science FOs. in the beginning when i didn't get a good burn/throw, i would increase the wick size. then one day i tried two sizes in two testers of the same FO, load, jar, dye, everything the same, and the smaller wick actually worked better, the bigger one choked. i think it was burning too much oil and got clogged. i'm really not sure, but i've wicked down on most things and get a better, longer, "throwier" (ok, so i made up a word :) ) burn. might be worth a try.

anyway, good luck whatever you decide to do!

Hi! I have used scents from CSci (I did a blend that smells GREAT hot and cold, but burned too hot- I used their wick guide). I have also used scents from Wellington. I posted my test burn pics and they were buring too quickly, even when I wicked down... or the flame drowned out (did four jars, two sizes with different wicks in each). It was a bit frustrating.

I have ordered some CD, HTP (both WSP) and CSN (CSci) wicks to try and see if I get any luck. But I will definately keep in mind to keep trying the ECOs in different fragrances/sizes.

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I just started testing 464 with eco wicks. So far, all of my candlescience fragrances are doing great with the eco 10.

All candlescience oils were 3 leafers!

I also ordered peaks oils and am finding they tend to struggle with the same size wick. So, I'm going to go up to a 12 for peaks oils to start.

I'm just using the 8 oz. jelly jar right now.

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