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help! scrub way too oily


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Also...it isnt moisturizing enough. If I add shea butter will that help make it less oily or will that add to the oily?

If I can add shea butter, can I scoop it out of the jars, mix in the shea then put it back in the jars???


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Also...it isnt moisturizing enough. If I add shea butter will that help make it less oily or will that add to the oily?

If I can add shea butter, can I scoop it out of the jars, mix in the shea then put it back in the jars???


do you mean runny/soupy? cause it will be oily no matter what because you are using oils. If you add shea butter it should thicken it up a bit so its not so runny/soupy/

you should be able to scoop them out, add the shea and re-package them no problem

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It should be thick, thick, thick and whipped and light, not oily. It should also rinse away in the shower without being greasy if it emulsified properly. Sounds to me like either your measurements were off, or you didn't chill it to set up before whipping? I'm also unsure how it can be too greasy/oily yet not moisturizing enough? Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean? You can add shea, but it will only make it more greasy. Did you make any substitutions? Maybe if I know how you made it, I could help figure out why it turned out the way it did. Don't forget to add more preservative if you do scoop out and add additional butters...

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I did use subs, so its not your recipe...its my subs. And it is greasy when I wash it off ... then like 10 mins later, my hands feel dry!

I subbed Hydrogenated Soybean Oil: Crisco

I don't have BTMS or cetyl so I left them out altogether and upped the ewax to 10% and stearic to 9%.

I love the way it looks and feels aside from being greasy. I dont want to just throw this away. Please please help me to fix it so its not so greasy!!!

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Man! I figured since the original post said it was ok to leave them out, Id be good to go. Ok next question....it is in jars to give to the girls in my family....can I order the other 2 ingred. and re-mix it when they come in the mail? Or shld I just trash it?

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Carebear is right, that is your problem. 10% ewax and 9% stearic will definitely give you a greasy waxy feel-that's alot of wax! You cannot add the others at this point. You can attempt to save it by adding more straight butters. You can also add some cornstarch or IPM to cut the greasies, but it will give it that powdery/dry feel.

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