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Buyer beware ICS

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why would you even want to? i mean, you don't get banned if all is well. but whatever

Carebear, all wasn't well with Snowtop ( although they could have made it well but didn't). I am NOT going to dig up an old grave here either. I didn't get the product I ordered in the scent I asked for, and their was a dispute over it,.. and because someone on this board ran over and told Angie I was complaining about her, I was banned from the snowtop board. I was actually told about Candletech from a member of the Snowtop board. Angie was my 1st supplier. I LOVED a few of her Fo's, and wanted to join the ICS board when ICS took over Snowtop because I had "friends" from the Snowtop board their. They are all here now, so no loss to me in the end, and Angie is no-longer in business, and the person from this board who told Angie to just to stir up some trouble, is not doing well. So is all I have to say is that,... Karma is a b*tch.

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Wow... not a thread I was happy to read. :angry2: I've only had one issue with her and it was years ago... BUT she was very quick to make it right. That being said I think in her position I would have just mailed you a LB of fragrance or issued a credit - whichever you prefer. The money she has now lost in losing you as a customer I am sure fair out weighs what resending you 1LB of oil would have cost her. Not to mention now worries me that one of my "untaped" boxes will bust open and I will also be screwed... so now I guess with all the added costs of everything else.. I now get to waste money on added insurance - if I get it shipped PM. :(

I have noticed a couple of my smaller suppliers are doing business a little different than they used to... and customer service is fading quickly. You'd think in this shaking economy you'd treat the customers still purchasing like they are golden....

my ex said it best...

You run out of customer service... You will run out of customers...

You run out of customers... You will be soon be out of business.

Take care,


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Not to mention now worries me that one of my "untaped" boxes will bust open and I will also be screwed... so now I guess with all the added costs of everything else.. I now get to waste money on added insurance - if I get it shipped PM. :(

P.O. insurance isn't worth the paper it's written on! In the case of these boxes, they will NOT reimburse if the box pops open, it's on the seller/supplier/shipper to secure the package. In this case insurance would not have helped at all.

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I ship a lot. I have found that the postal workers will get into your box, take what they want and reseal it. The only thing you can do, is put insurance on it. I shipped 12 , 26oz. jars and they lost them. In other words, they stoled them. I only got back 100. insurance on them. It is not right. But if Kathy packed them right, and you did not insure them, it is not her fault. She does not employ the Post Office people. Ya know? Now I put a lot of insurance on them, and guess what? They get there. What a surprise. I sent 2 packages 100 miles away. I recieved them both back 2 months later. One way opened and a candle taking out. Then resealed. They smell the stuff and want some. Sorry, ain't it. :mad:

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I ship a lot. I have found that the postal workers will get into your box, take what they want and reseal it. The only thing you can do, is put insurance on it. I shipped 12 , 26oz. jars and they lost them. In other words, they stoled them. I only got back 100. insurance on them. It is not right. But if Kathy packed them right, and you did not insure them, it is not her fault. She does not employ the Post Office people. Ya know? Now I put a lot of insurance on them, and guess what? They get there. What a surprise. I sent 2 packages 100 miles away. I recieved them both back 2 months later. One way opened and a candle taking out. Then resealed. They smell the stuff and want some. Sorry, ain't it. :mad:

If you only received back $100 for insurance on a lost package, then you must have only insured it for that amount. How would that be the PO's fault? If it was worth more, you should have insured it for me. If you an insure a package and its damaged or lost,you will get the amount of the insurance you paid for.

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"But if Kathy packed them right, and you did not insure them, it is not her fault. She does not employ the Post Office people. Ya know? "

If you refer to my original post, Kathy didn't pack them right so it is her fault regardless. No carrier UPS DHL FedEx would honor that claim due to her packaging. A few pennies in shipping material goes a long way and could have avoided this. There is no reason for an oil to simply fall out of a box in transit.

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"But if Kathy packed them right, and you did not insure them, it is not her fault. She does not employ the Post Office people. Ya know? "

If you refer to my original post, Kathy didn't pack them right so it is her fault regardless. No carrier UPS DHL FedEx would honor that claim due to her packaging. A few pennies in shipping material goes a long way and could have avoided this. There is no reason for an oil to simply fall out of a box in transit.


No amount of insurance would cover shipper error like that.

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I ordered from ICS last year, just a few little samples and when I got them they were not the ones I had ordered. I understand that people run out of stock ect but there was no explanation in the box so I sent an email. I got a rude response back that they had tried to get a hold of us with no reply??? Reply to what, since we have email and a phone and did not receive a message anywhere I just thought it was interesting...

We are just not into blowing customers off and probably do more than we should to make it right. My experience was definitely not as big of a deal as yours but when you have new customer ordering samples geez I would think you could be a bit more friendly about it.


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You'd never know it after reading some recent threads about suppliers, but there are some suppliers out there that are still trying to do a good job as far as customer service goes. I think we've all agreed in the past that any supplier can make a mistake, but it's the way they choose to handle it that determines whether you'll order from them again, and how you'll respond in the future when someone asks your opinion about them.

Speaking in general terms regarding any supplier, with the economy in the shape it's in and from what I'm reading about slowing b&b/candle sales, you'd think suppliers would think twice before alienating customers, because if our sales dip theirs will too, and if people are deciding on suppliers to use, they aren't likely to go with one that has a reputation for not making things right with their customers.

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I did put an order in right before the holidays and it arrived in the PM video box(which I ship soaps in). I will say I did notice the tops of the bottles weren't taped down which most places do. But I had no problems with any leaking or the box being open myself.

I was sad to see they discontinued one of my fav scents which is why I placed the order to get what little they had left.

They do have some really good scents there I love.

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The last 2 times I have ordered, there was no packing at all and no tape around the tops. One of them had leaked a little, not in a ziplock bag or nothing, just the bottles of oils. I've spent a lot of money there and although she does have really fast shipping, she never seems very friendly to me... but I do like quite a few of here oils.



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I don't really know how effective tape is on the tops anyway. None of these came from ICS, but on a couple of different occasions I received fragrance oils that still leaked even with the lids being taped. The tape was just kind of gooey and falling off of the bottle. Had the tape not been there I don't know if the situation would have been worse or about the same. I wonder if the lid just doesn't get screwed on tight enough, or with some bottles, if no matter how tightly you screwed the lid on if it doesn't make a good seal.

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I have never ordered from them but have looked at their site many times. I would have ordered from them but not now. I personally would like to thank you for sharing what happened to you. Many would not. You deserve a pat on the back for letting everyone know what could and probably will happen to them. There are many great suppliers out there and I think as much as we pay for supplies we deserve great customer service. The fact that she was not even willing to work something out with you versus losing completely your business tells me that her customer service is second to making money. I will definitely stay away from them. Thank you!!!:yay:

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I thought I'd chime in here and tell about my experience with ICS also.

Last year I had a fundraiser I was doing and one of my scents was Apple Brown Betty from ICS. Totally fab oil by the way. I didn't have many orders from the fundraiser for this and only had to order 1 lb. I recieved the bottle and smelled it only to find out it smelled exactly like Eggnog! No apple smell at all and I emailed Kathy to let her know. She would take no responsiblity for it and told me there was no way the oils could have gotten mixed up. She wanted me to send an ounce of the bottle back to her so she coould tell what the problem was. I did not have time for that since I needed to fill my fundraiser order and told her so. We emailed back and forth several times and she never offered to send me a replacement. Long story short I ended up paying for the replacement and using the current bottle as eggnog. I had to ask her to pay the shipping cost for the replacement. I had no choice but to order a replacement because of the fundraiser.

I no longer order from there because I think this is very poor customer service and I would personally never treat a customer this way. When my current stash of apple brown betty is gone I'll DC it and be done with it.

I had always heard good things about ICS and personally have always had good CS from them until I had a problem. That's when you find out how the CS really is IMO.

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This proves my point - many people are unwilling to share their stories, or the details and people just go on thinking a certain company is the bees knees.

Look how many problems surfaced on this thread alone, that you can't find otherwise...

Everyone needs to be vigilant in reporting this type of stuff here, so it won't happen to someone else. The good suppliers will stand and the fly by nights, get rich quick and rude CS companies will fall. *starts dream sequence* Then maybe one day, every supplier left will be perfect and cheap and quick! :D

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Here is my experience with ICS...

Around 3 years ago, I ordered 4 lbs of oils. I am in the north-east and Kathy shipped my oils parcel post. She put no tracking on the package. 30 days went by and I received nothing. Throughout this ordeal, I was in contact with Kathy who never had much to say. In fact, one time she actually implied that the package was received by me. Basically she was trying to imply that I was looking for free stuff... Nevermind that I had been a good customer for a while without incident.

Finally, I was so upset that she sent a second shipment out. All the while she complained about how much this would cost her. So professional, right? It gets better...

A couple of days after Kathy sent me the second shipment, the first order arrived. I immediately email her and tell her the good news. She is unpleasant and says that she is out of luck because the new one is already on its way to me. WTH??? I email her back that I will be glad to send a shipment back once I have two in possession. All that I want is to be reimbursed for return shipping. She said okay.

I receive the next shipment, briefly inspect the contents, reseal it, readdress it, put tracking on it, and get it shipped the same day. I shipped it parcel post because Kathy did not want to pay for priority mail. :rolleyes2 I follow the tracking, see that it is delivered, and wait for my shipping refund. It never comes...

I email Kathy a few times. Finally she briefly thanked me for the package being returned and offered no postal refund. She had absolutely promised me and I forwared her the email. I emialed her again and again, and never heard from her. Well, she never heard from me again- ever. Not paying me $8.00, lost her hundreds from me. Good riddance.

I am sorry that others have had such rotten experiences. I am just not surprised in the least. And one more thing... She sent me Wisteria in that second shipment instead of Lilac. She would not replace that either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am glad you are getting your $$ back, However I have ordered from ICS for several years and have never had a problem with the oils or the shipping.

I agree customer service should be number 1 when it comes to business.

The only supplier I ever had a problem with was Tennessee but it was over one oil that was not any good. I still order from them because they have some great oils. The oil that was bad was strawberry jam, it was my number one seller and the new bottle of oil was bad. The oil seeped in every jar I made. I even sent a candle and the oil back to them and they said they tested it and it worked fine. Yea right, I still have those failed jars downstairs in my basement. So after no resolution I found another strawberry jam from a different company as a replacement. I figure they lost $ by not fixing the problem. I was never compensated for the oil or shipping. Strawberry Jam is still one of my biggest sellers so TN is still loosing out.

Just my 2 cents.

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I really appreciate this thread and the courage of the original poster. Made me think of several things. The bad service that we have come to put up with, Walmart, etc. There is no way I would ever do business with this lady, after reading all this. Now I have had some suppliers make mistakes, one occasion or two I have had someone not make it up as I would have liked, or not been over joyed about making it good. In my own business I have not been overjoyed to make something right that I thought was not our fault. But I have dealt with the public a long time. You make it right, and with as much graciousness as you can muster at the time. Bad day or not, if you want to compete in a ruthless market. My biggest edge over big competitors is my customer service, I have to if I want to survive. To be able to do this, I have to have suppliers that hold by the same standards. If my raw materials slip, then my product is affected.

I think the best leverage we have to turn around this wave of bad service is withhold our money. Singly, but better yet, collectively.

A couple of months ago I had a part time employee ship an order. This is an employee that has worked for me for years. I received an email from the customer that the bottle had leaked, I believe it was lotion. I had never known this employee to not tighten and tape all bottles. The customer said she lost a couple of ounces. I apologized profusely, and sent her a whole new bottle and threw in a sun catcher that cost me $.50 to make. She only wanted replaced what was lost, but I exceeded her expectations. I have a customer for life. She has shared this experience with others. It became a win-win deal. How would that have went if I argued with her, took the route this Kathy did?

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