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Why does everyone cut the soap in huge blocks?


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Just so everyone is clear, very few of us cut our soap in huge blocks. And the example pictures are just normal sized soap.

(and most of us throw away bars that are half-used cause we have DOZENS of our own soaps or stuff from swaps and what not that we are going crazy to get to - not because they feel small in our hands.)

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Your size is what I would consider "normal" lol.

If you click on the Soap Gallery, you'll see people's soap, when they cut it, they are HUGE rectangles.

I understand that you make them in logs, but I was curious to know as to WHY they cut it like that. I am wondering if it is just for display or just for pictures. Then I wonder if they cut them smaller, because how are you supposed to use the big blocks of soap? :)

First you might consider that the actual size on your screen is NOT the actual size of the bar. Those pics look pretty standard to me.

There are spme who make it larger than normal. Maybe the make it that way because they like it? I dunno, just a thought.

I make my bars thicker than the norm. Just simply because I like my bar to last like a month or more. Not 2 weeks. I still wouldn't say mine are overly large though. I can still wrap them just fine.

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