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Need help with M&P base


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I am going to help my 5 year old niece make some M&P soap for her parents for Christmas. I have enough samples of several types of M&P base. I have been doing some reading on CT board and have a few questions.

1. Something I'm not sure about. Does castor oil make the bar harder? If so, how much should be added to a pound of soap base.

2. I also read where you put goats milk powder in the base after you have mixed it with water. Is this tap water or distilled water?

3. What is the total amount of all extras combined that should be added per pound of base?

Whatever I add to the base has to be found local since I don't have time to order. I know, last minute but my niece just asked if we could make this for her parents.

Thank you.

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I am going to help my 5 year old niece make some M&P soap for her parents for Christmas. I have enough samples of several types of M&P base. I have been doing some reading on CT board and have a few questions.

1. Something I'm not sure about. Does castor oil make the bar harder? If so, how much should be added to a pound of soap base. No, it doesn't make the bar harder. If you have a little bees wax you could add that for a harder bar.

2. I also read where you put goats milk powder in the base after you have mixed it with water. Is this tap water or distilled water?

I always use distilled water.

3. What is the total amount of all extras combined that should be added per pound of base? I'm not sure where the line is drawn here, I haven't ever made just a pound of soap. I tend to go crazy with additives, even in my old stand by recipe. I make 4 pounds at a time, and I bet my additives add up to at least 1 1/2 cups. MP soap is pretty forgiving and eventually will harde if you don't overdo additives that are liquid. To start, I would recommend no more than 4Tablespoons of stuff to your pound of base. From there it's experimental. :)

Whatever I add to the base has to be found local since I don't have time to order. I know, last minute but my niece just asked if we could make this for her parents.

Thank you.

Have Fun!

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I am going to help my 5 year old niece make some M&P soap for her parents for Christmas. I have enough samples of several types of M&P base. I have been doing some reading on CT board and have a few questions.

1. Something I'm not sure about. Does castor oil make the bar harder? If so, how much should be added to a pound of soap base.

2. I also read where you put goats milk powder in the base after you have mixed it with water. Is this tap water or distilled water?

3. What is the total amount of all extras combined that should be added per pound of base?

Whatever I add to the base has to be found local since I don't have time to order. I know, last minute but my niece just asked if we could make this for her parents.

Thank you.


I use castor oil in my soap making. It makes the soap creamier and more moisturizing. I usually add 1 tsp of castor oil per lb of base.


Listen to Prairie annie-- our reigning queen of goats milk soap. You should try her gm soap! Fabulous!


As a general rule I go by the 2 tablespoon method. I try not to add more than 2 tablespoons of any combo of additives as a whole.

Other Great Additives:


VG adds extra suds and lather to your soap. VG also helps the skin retain moisture. It can be purchased at a soap suppliers or a local health food type store. I use 1/2 tsp per lb of base.


CO adds great moisturizing to your soap. It also helps harden your bar so don't add too much. I add about 5-6 grams or 1 tsp per lb. You can find it at your local grocers.


OO is another superior moisturizer for your skin. It also helps harden your soap bars. I add 1 tsp per lb. Be a bit careful with this one-- too much will make your bar slimy. So start out using no more than 1 tsp per lb and experiment up from there. Also available at your local grocers. I get extra virgin OO.

Have fun!!

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Just thought of two more additives that are great in M&P.

If you are making a goats milk soap why don't you add honey and oatmeal to it also.

For a wonderful oatmeal, milk, and honey soap:

Add to 1 lb of M&P base:

1 tbs of ground oats. You can grind in your blender.

1 tbs wild honey or whatever honey you like

1 tbs of reconstituted or fresh goats milk.

1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin

1-2 tsp shea butter (optional)

1 tsp coconut oil

1 tsp olive oil

2 tps fragrance oil (of your choice)

Blend these all together in your melted base using 1 lb of any base. Then pour into your mold and let set up for a couple of hours before unmolding.

I know I just mentioned in my above post that you should only add 2 tbs of any combined additives. That is a general rule and is not written in stone. I use it as a rule of thumb until I have perfected a recipe for a soap I am making. The above recipe is a tried and true recipe of mine and I get great soap from it.

Just remember your soap will only be as good as the quality of your M&P base. Not all bases make good soaps.

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