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wax change

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I am changing my wax after 5 years.I am now trying 415 and 444 so going to be between those 2 waxes. Having good results BUT the 444 seems to burn faster with my candles.Anyone else see that also???

Used 402 soy for 5 years and suddenly just nothing was working.A BIG wick problem Something I never had before.Always with that wax used a small, med or large wick.Then for just a small jar I found myself testing about 4 other types of wicks and going to almost the largest size and NOTHING was even close to working. :confused:

Thought back and my supplier got a new shipment of wax and the price was raised. Wondered about this?? Something was wrong. Same wax but MAJOR problems. Suddenly something happened and thank goodness I was alert. I think a few of my candles weren't what they were and just at craft show time. :mad:

A local company has many different types of waxes so trying a few now. Can't afford the shipping. Must be local.


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Lynn, I have been testing 444 for about 4months now. My results differ from each batch of wax I receive. I can normally use the same wick, but have to burn longer or shorter based on how that particular batch is performing. Finding "the right wick" has been time consuming, but I have noticed going down to 1oz of fo per lb has helped.

It doesn't provide that creamy look that most try to achieve, and wet spots are very common, they will even appear after the first, second, or third burn. It is a very finicky wax.

This is just my experience, but through searches it seems that a lot of people struggle with it as well. Good luck!

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I have always used 1 ounce per lb.No more or no less. So far I haven't tried many different fo's yet but was so happy after the 5 I was trying to wick worked with this wax.Chestnuts and Brown Sugar is the one burning fast but not the others.

Same wick or at least 2 or 3 sizes would be great. That was the way it had been with the 402 wax but something changed. Just couldn't happen at a worse time.

I got samples of 5 different types of wax. One is also 6006 (a blend).I prefer to stay with 100% soy.

Just hate starting over.BUT it happens alot.


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I am glad it is working for you! I have taken a little break from it, as I was losing sleep over it :( I still have a bit left so, I will test a little more. Possibly will try another wax, maybe, maybe not.

Major bummer that you have to change waxes, but that doesn't seem too uncommon. You almost wonder if it is not something they changed in the wax versus something to do with the soy beans themselves.

Good luck with your quest.....


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I know what it is like to be having to start all over..

I use 415..after trying 444..464...and 415..and other waxes too..I finally made the decision for 415..I also tried adding different things like..palm..beeswax..mixing different waxes..trying to get a better hot throw..

Finally I made up my mind, I was going to use 1 wax, and not add any additives, and if a Fo, didn't work..just go on to the next fo..

My life has been less hectic since...but that is just me..I just got tired of all the different samples..because as you know..it takes testing, testing to find good fo's that really gives you that great HT..

I use CD wicks also after trying many others..My wicks can range 3 sizes...depending on the fo...

I am not big time, mostly just a hobby..but If you need any help, I will give it..if I can..Also will tell you what fo's throws well for me..

One thing that I have noticed, I have a very hard time getting fruit Fo's to throw without a fuel smell...

HTH some..:)

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I am still testing many more FO's but just the 3-5 that were beasts with my old wax are doing great in this wax.The real problem is this was a order and then suddenly nothing worked.Ticked me off.I have to agree something changed and sure of it now. I don't want to add additive.More cost even if just a bit.


Any help would be apprecieated.In fact I have the 415 and testing that too.It at least was better than my 402 that became a BIG problem.So now working with 2 waxes(444-415) like you have done. First 444 for you and now 415. It will be a toss up for me with these 2 waxes.

Do you know of some FO's that are good?? I do know my cranberry was awesome with 444 but then again was a cranberry from a different company.That really might be the reason for that. With 444 and cranberry the scent throw was great. With my old wax and another cranberry from another company was no hot throw.Something started going real bad then and I was at my busiest. Not happy now.

Chestnuts and Brown Sugar was another wick problem with 402 but with 444 and this scent it will knock you out with the hot throw.


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I am not sure who you have bought from..

but here is some that throw well for me in 415

Berts..lemon biscotti pie...pumpkin custart spice..sensational pine..aspen forest...raspberry brulee...I mix her columbian coffee &creme brulee..makes a very nice coffee scent..

fig and melon...redwood & cedar...vanilla latte...pearberry...creme brulee....fall harvest...cappuccino brulee...chestnuts & brown sugar

Alabastors...cinnamon & Orange Peel..

ICS...Vanilla Bliss...Cactus & seasalt..pink sugar..orange chiffon cake...cantalope lily..Also great in cp soap...sex on the beach..

Flickers...flowerbomb...tropical white musk..cranberry ginger spice tea

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head..HTH

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Thank You 8-Gran-Ones.

I do use Berts. Started this year. Also buy from 2 other suppiers that are local. Berts shipping and customer service is great. Some of the oils you mentioned I have tried and love. Pumpkin Custard Spice and Lemon Biscotti are sellers for me. Just got Vanilla Latte a week ago and have a bunch more I need to put in wax.

Cannot wait to try them because she will be one of my main suppliers with 2 others that are local.


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