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Final Results of this Weekend's Craft Fair


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First day, as you know, went well. I made about 7 X my share of the booth fee (shared 50/50 with my sister) yesterday. Today I did about the same, a bit less than yesterday, but all in all, I am very pleased!! :D I got a lot of good feedback from the customers, especially about the dusting of the fine glitter I put on the tops of my candles. (Go figure what tickles people's fancies!!) Being a Sunday, the crowd was thinner than yesterday, but I still did well.

My first craft fair experience was great! My "neighbors" were all so friendly and gave me a lot of encouragement. I got a big hug at the end of the day from the woman who had a booth set up next to me, and I handed out complimentary votives in votive cups to my neighbors as a way of saying thank-you for their encouragement, which I think they appreciated.

Oh, by the way, I also was approached by a woman who is going to open a craft type store. She took my literature and said when she gets ready to open she may call me. She was honest and said she was there checking out all the crafters to see what is out there that she would like to carry in her store, but the fact that she took my literature and stopped to talk was encouraging. I was also approached by a young man who has a gift basket business. He, too, took my literature, asked a lot of questions about my candles, and said my 4 oz. quilted jelly jar candles would go well in the gift baskets he sells. He asked if I'd ship to Northern Illinois (I live in Southern Illinois), and, of course, I said I would. So we will see what becomes of all this. Maybe nothing, but maybe something. Either way, this craft fair gave me the confidence to know I can really earn money doing this. What a wonderful weekend!

Thanks for listening. You guys are the greatest. I could never have done this without all of the helpful information I have gleaned from all of you!!! :bliss:

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