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Powdered candle dye

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I've been away from candle making for a while now, but got back into it over Christmas. Therefore, I've only just found out that pourette is no more!

That's a shame as there were loads of moulds on there I wanted to try. They also sold powdered candle dye in exactly the same shade as the reddig dye chips. I've tried to find the powdered dye on other sites, but not found the reddig dye variety like pourette sold. Does anyone know where else I can get these powdered dyes?


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Going from memory here...

Candlewic in PA sells powder dyes.

I also bought some from Natures Garden.

I have no clue if what they sell/sold is the same as the Reddig-Glow chips.

I have black, red and purple and 99% of the time I can't get the powders blended. Oh...I mix it with a little bit of wax to start and then add the rest of the wax and it looks like it's dissolved...but when I pour my candles I get spots.

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