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Saturday's show was a bust


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Sheesh! We aren't doing well this year.

There were so many good points about the show, but the big drawback was they were charging 5 bucks admission to a first year show. Customer base was pretty slim.

It was at the high school, benefitting the band. There was a army of kids to unload cars! that was the highlight of my day! They carried everything in and out of the show. It was huge - 2 gyms and vendors in the hallways. Lots of variety. I made a little over 3x my booth fee. My two Amanda's didn't make booth. It was supposed to be 9-5, but A LOT of crafters packed up at 1:30. We stuck it out. I think it looks bad to walk out on a show. And if I left, I was guaranteed not to sell anything. Well, we talked to the organizer before we left and she said if we agreed to come back next year our booth would be free. I told her I would come back if they don't charge admission. There is another school in the area with a well established show that charges $8 admission and has people standing in line to get in...I'm sure she was just looking at what they did and thought it would work here, too. I learn something at every show and am willing to let her learn, too. We shall see what next year brings.

We did change some things in the booth, but I have a dinosaur film camera and won't have pics till Wed. I will post and would love feedback then.

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I am so sorry to hear that it wasn't a good show for you gals. But, please don't dispair. You never know what will come out of each show down the road. The exposure can be priceless. I had a friend of mine that does stain glass and he was telling me that the worse show he ever did (he didn't make a dime) actually turned into one of the best. Two years after that show, he got a call from a man that had been in his booth and taken one of his cards. That man called him back 2 years later and made over a $4,000 custom stained glass window order for a house he was building. I had a lady from another state in my booth this summer and bought one candle. Just a few weeks ago, she called me and placed about a $100.00 order for me to send her. Now that's not much $$ in the grand scheme of things, but that one repeat order would have paid that booth rental if anything. I did make the booth at the show but I think you get my point.

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Meridith is right. You just know know when you'll hear from someone who saw your stuff at the show. I agree with you about not leaving early. It does look bad. In this area not much happens after 2 PM but most shows go to 4 or 5. Gives me a chance to wonder around and see what everyone else has.

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I would have also stayed because there is always that possibility of those last minute "rush" crowds. I did a show this weekend that had some really busy moments. i.e., within 15 minutes, I got a rush of customers and made $130.00. Its possible to do that the last hour or so or at any time.

Oh, I had to mention that I think its just plain weird to pay to go into a craft show. I for one won't do it. I am not paying to go shopping. Not even for parking. That I think would make it harder to get people in the door and then be willing to spend a little more. JMO

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I would have also stayed because there is always that possibility of those last minute "rush" crowds. I did a show this weekend that had some really busy moments. i.e., within 15 minutes, I got a rush of customers and made $130.00. Its possible to do that the last hour or so or at any time.

Oh, I had to mention that I think its just plain weird to pay to go into a craft show. I for one won't do it. I am not paying to go shopping. Not even for parking. That I think would make it harder to get people in the door and then be willing to spend a little more. JMO

I have to agree with Meridith. Most of the shows that I have done, within the last few minutes it seems everyone all of a sudden shows up and it does look bad to leave early. I also agree that I would not have done a show where people were required to pay $5:shocked2: to get in. But that is just my personal opinion. Sorry to hear about your day. :cry2:

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I can't believe show charge booth fees and then 5-8 dollar admissions.. If that was in our area no customers would show up. I did a high school last month and I think they did charge $1.00 admission but it was for Relay for Life so I think people didn't mind since it was for charity. When the promoters get greedy everyone loses. JMHO

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Sorry to hear your fair didnt go well. I had one yesterday as well and I sold $7! Yes $7.00! The fair was from 11-6 and I had one customer all day.The sad part is I did better than most people there..LOL They said they did advertising which I highly doubt because every vendor there was not getting customers, and we were all pretty mad. It was suppose to bring in 400-500 people and I think we had 20 customers all day. It was just awful. What a waste of time and $$.:mad: It seems like this year no one wants to buy anything, they are there just to look.:confused:

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Georgia, I too agree with Meridith. My show yesterday was just so so. This is my first fall doing shows. I met another crafter that has done 26 shows this year. She quit her job to do this full time recently (she is an artist). She offered to email me links to a bunch of good shows for next year.

The really bad street fair that I was at (did not even make my booth fee) yielded invitations to four more shows.


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Oh bummers Georgia!! How many shows have you got left? Things are going to pick up. You guys have great stuff!! Hang in there chica! Show season is soooooo long for us, but we're coming to an end soon. It's our first go-around. We've been fortunate to have the buyers lately, but we've had a few shows that were not great. Perhaps the buying season will kick in soon for you! I hope it does, because if I were shopping at any you were at, I'd be buying!!

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actually, that was probably it for this year. There aren't a lot of shows around here.... most are in Ohio and I'm not set up for that. Next year I will be. The huge show that charges admission is next week, but we didn't get in because they had too many candle and B&Bers already. I'll be ready for them next year, too!

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So sorry your show didn't go well. i think it was the charge fee too. this place here is small community, and every darn supermarket, dollar stores and walmart have candles, so i can't see me selling enough for my time to have a show if there was a place to go to around here, the schools has things some times but they are mostly like yard sales. i do better by letting people from my dh's fire dept. bingo place, the players buy from me, the only tart sale place is the dollar store and i keep one of them handy to show people the difference in them and mine , even if they are 3 for $1. so i guess its a good thing i don't want to havre a business from candl making.

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