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Website Finally Up but.....

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I have my Website : www.LisasButtons.Bravehost.Com/ and I added my Adult Line which is on another Website


I am so confused LOL . On my LisasButtons site I have Paypal set up and Shipping within a certain Price Range , when you add to cart and check out it does shipping automatically . Ok , now ... Problem is on my other web site I have Shipping Added to all of the items , and can not figure out how to adjust that to my paypal account without messing up my other site .

I am so confused LOL ... HELP ME... I want to publish my account lisasbuttons cause it does get alot of business still but cant afford to publish both ..

anyone know what I should do ???

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I have a site where the webhosting costs me .99 month.

IMO, and this is JUST MY OPINION, a free site for a business does not look professional. sometimes the ads that come up are for competition!!

As for the PP thing, since you have a business account, you could call PP and talk to a rep. I know alot of people have bad experiences with them, but 99% of the time I get a helpful rep who can answer my questions! :grin2: I am not sure why adjusting the shipping would affect one site, tho?

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If you go with the turtle hosting I wouldnt recomend the .99 pplan as 1gb of bandwith is not very much for a business website. For your paypal problem just make a paypal button for the other site. then click advanced or more options( I cant remember) and make the thankyou page go to the other site


You may also want to look here: http://www.hostingspeeds.com/index.php?act=hcompany&id=641 overall rating 17 out of 100

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first of all, i have come here only to correct this quote, hello all :)

If you go with the turtle hosting I wouldnt recomend the .99 pplan as 1gb of bandwith is not very much for a business website.

bandwidth is not a concern as we have lots, we would be happy to double it for you

[quote name=StacysScentsations(DH)

You may also want to look here: http://www.hostingspeeds.com/index.php?act=hcompany&id=641 overall rating 17 out of 100

this was caused by a error, it has been fixed and my company currently now has a 96% and ranked #40 of all hosts in USA and #82 of all hosts wordwide.


if you have any questions or concerns,

you can contact us direct at sales@turtlehosting.com




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I have my Website : www.LisasButtons.Bravehost.Com/ and I added my Adult Line which is on another Website


I am so confused LOL . On my LisasButtons site I have Paypal set up and Shipping within a certain Price Range , when you add to cart and check out it does shipping automatically . Ok , now ... Problem is on my other web site I have Shipping Added to all of the items , and can not figure out how to adjust that to my paypal account without messing up my other site .

I am so confused LOL ... HELP ME... I want to publish my account lisasbuttons cause it does get alot of business still but cant afford to publish both ..

anyone know what I should do ???

May I ask how do you triple scent your wax??? Since 1oz of FO goes into 1 LB of wax??? It says on your website that you triple scent???

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Sure ya can ask :)

Where Ibuy my Oil from they are HIGHLY Concentrated . They say when they resell this Oil the person buying it dilutes it 3 times with Water . Well i dont I use the full concentrated Oils so that makes it triple scented . Plus I always use 2 oz per 1 pound of Wax , always have and do far so good , not a problem yet . They burn perfectly they dont catch on fire they dont explode or anything . Belive me I;ve tested plenty to make sure too ..

Always keeping Safety of others in mind . But i love a strong tart and I make sure mine are STRONG .

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Sure ya can ask :)

Where Ibuy my Oil from they are HIGHLY Concentrated . They say when they resell this Oil the person buying it dilutes it 3 times with Water

ummmm - There is still a lot I have to learn and I am sure I will be corrected here if I am wrong but -

dilute it 3 times with water?

I don't think I want to put any water in my wax - Nothing personal and I am not bashing you in any way whatsoever but - my thinking is that possibly your supplier used a marketing ploy on you - and as a result you are using a marketing ploy on your customers albeit unknowingly

The triple scented bit is pretty much outdated and is now used as just that, a marketing ploy - as a search on here will show - simply enter "triple scent" in the search box and read what comes up

You will find that using quality FOs from any number of suppliers talked about here such as Peaks, Just Scents, and on and on - will be just as HIGHLY concentrated if not moreso as the one your supplier suggests adding water to dilute

I have never before heard of a supplier actually suggesting that a customer dilute their FO with anything - much less water!

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I don't think I want to put any water in my wax

( had to copy I dont know how to Quote )

You dont put the Water in the Wax , in the Oil is where it is ... It comes in a bottle and they say Dilute with this many parts of Water ...

This is whjat I was told and apparantly it works well without the Diluting cause I dont dilute it . and my tarts seems to be STRONG as any I have ever tested . But I am not a PRO tarter either , but the ones I have gotten over the years seem to be less scented than mine .

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Triple scent is a marketing ploy. It is only triple scented if you put three different layers in a jar in different scents. Since water and oil don't mix, I can't imagine anyone adding water to dilute their oils. If you are having to use 2 ozs. per lb of wax to get a strong throw, there is something wrong. It almost sounds like the FO has been cut, if you need that much. You are going to go through a lb. of FO in a jiffy, if that is the case. That is JMO, but it all sounds like someone is not being on the up and up with you.

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Triple scent is a marketing ploy. It is only triple scented if you put three different layers in a jar in different scents. Since water and oil don't mix, I can't imagine anyone adding water to dilute their oils. If you are having to use 2 ozs. per lb of wax to get a strong throw, there is something wrong. It almost sounds like the FO has been cut, if you need that much. You are going to go through a lb. of FO in a jiffy, if that is the case. That is JMO, but it all sounds like someone is not being on the up and up with you.

its not that I '' have to use " that muich I like using that much cause I like the strong throw of scent it has ..

but on the bright side I am not longer using the oils from them as I have found some strong enough for my liking ( and cheaper i might add ) as well as the customers , and I have switched oils but not changed all of my web site . but i sure do get alot of compliments on the STRONG throw they do ;) so I am pleased .

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Again, I am not bashing - just trying to help

If you did as they said and added water to your FO you would be then adding water to your wax when you put the FO into the wax itself - since the FO would now contain the water - And as Kaybee says, oil and water just don't mix so I am not sure how well that would work out

May I suggest that, if you have not already, try some FOs from some of the suppliers mentioned here on the board in the frangrance section? I came here brand spanking new to this addiction of candle making and had no clue as to what was quality and what wasn't - and I am so greatful to have been helped out by everyone here

I believe you will find that you will not have to add 2 oz per lb from these FOs (And that will save you money by only using half as much) to get the same if not better throw

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Oh I know you are'nt bashing me ... I need all of the help I can get seriously LOL ...

I have switched oil people to Simple pleasures now and do not have to add such an amount to my Wax now .

I finally got a server thing bought last night and I am awaiting on them to send me the info to get it started ( a new web page ) that I had to pay for instead of getting for free .

I didnt realize people cared about Free Web pages until I started this thread . And so now , I bought a spot on WAHM site ..

I will change the words now due to people expressing this , It was what i was told and thats why I worded it like that . I didnt know about the different Oils out there either and the quality so different . I got some off of Ebay and it smelled like baby Oil and was so runny I bout died ..

But hopefully I have found a good supplier but thank you for the other names i will look into them as well .

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