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Lotion Story


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I just wanted to share...I usually don't post too much about what I do because I always stick with pre-made bases--not too exciting compared to many of you here who make your soaps, lotions, and other items from scratch.

Today in my shop I sold one lady $42 worth of lotion, (last week she was in and bought $22.50 worth). She liked it so much she made one of her friends try it, and she also liked it, so she bought her to my store today and she purchased $24 worth.

I've got another lady who wants me to make 6 bottles for her for Christmas presents for her co-workers (that's another $72).

Now I'm all excited again about selling lotion! I plan on hitting some tanning salons and beauty shops to see about selling some "private label" stock to them. I would love it if I could close my retail store and just focus on wholesale or internet sales.

But, in the meantime, I've signed up to do a fleamarket in December. I've never done one before, so I don't know how I'm gonna like it. Well, yes I do...if I sell a lot of lotion I'll like it. If I don't, I won't. Keep your fingers crossed for me--they've also got people there selling Avon and Mary Kay.

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That is cool you are doing so well in your lotion sales. Are you making it yourself or are you using a base?

Why do you want to close your retail store? Can't you do both internet and the store?

I was just looking at retail space today. I would love to have a store. I'm in the beauty industry too, so I think it would be awesome to have a massage person and skin care specialist in my store as well as carrying all my stuff.

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I just do pre-made bases (WSP), but I scent them and package them, and people rave about them.

It's very expensive to operate a retail store, plus, I'm always stuck at my shop. It's a very nice store, and that's part of the reason why I left the "real" work world behind--I wanted to surround myself with nice things. I carry Yankee candles (my big draw) and accessories, handbags, jewelry, victorian dolls, quilts, small furniture items and other home accents, Gooseberry Patch cookbooks, mailbox covers, tapestries, and gourmet food items among other things.

I'm at the point now where I'm not seeing anything new out there that excites me, or is particularly unique. Lotion and fragrance are what excites me now, so that is what I would like to do. I either want to have a retail store specifically dealing with bath & body, or else I would like to do wholesale/warehousing of bath & body supplies, to include internet sales, but no walk-in traffic.

I've learned that in retail you always need to watch your back because someone else is always wanting a piece of your action, but isn't willing to invest all the the time and money spent researching vendors and merchandise. Instead, they're happy just to copy what you do and not come up with an original idea.

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Maybe you could start gravitating toward more of the things you really want to sell. Gradually getting more of your bath and body line in there. Do you make soaps and candles too?

I went to a small town near us a couple of weeks ago. I was so impressed when I walked into this shop. It was my dream shop. This lady made her own candles, soap, and lotion. One part of her shop was her work kitchen, and the front was her retail area. It was so cute and practical at the same time. Maybe you could change your shop to something like this.

The good thing about selling wholesale is that when someone steals your ideas, they will need somewhere to buy the stuff, so you will still be a winner.

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That's kind of what I've been doing. I wanted to do a complete makeover of my shop to transform it, but I haven't come up with a clear vision yet. I want it to be something different--better than Bath & Body Works. I don't want rack after rack of identical bottles and more bottles. I like so many different things. One minute I'd like a Parisian theme, the next I'd like a modern one.

See what I'm saying--when you've got a retail store you've got so much to consider. If it was just internet or warehouse, nobody would ever see it!

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