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Went to scope out my competition today..


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Supposedly the largest craft show of this area is being held this weekend..got off work at noon today and called my mom, and said let's go scope out the competition! I am doing ONE show this year..a boutique and it's the first week in December..and I plan to do every one I can get into next year lol, so I wanted to see what I could learn today about whatever competition I may have. WOW...over 100 booths, and not ONE SINGLE candlemaker in the bunch!!:shocked2: I was so surprised! There was one woman there from Colorado who makes soap... She had several scents and colors, but besides a lotion stick thingy and her soap that's all she had. It was hard to tell by observing her (stealthily I might add) but in the half hour or so that I spied on her she hadn't sold anything...might be because her soap reeked, I don't know. :D I was so disappointed, and I don't know what to think about it all...I talked to several crafters there, and mentioned my surprise at this, and they said there was usually at least ONE candle booth..never had seen anyone that made lotion. I know there are candle makers around here...a few anyways besides me, so I'm wondering if they weren't able to get into this Jurried show, or have just found it to be a waste of time?? Also not a single dipped critter, or bottle of lotion or spray to be found. :confused: Is this highly unusual?

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HI Sharon,,good luck on your up-coming show!! I would look @ this in the positive. If you will be the only one there with candles and B&B I think you will do really well as you have fantastic eye catching product not to mention it smells GREAT!!!,,, I think you will do just fine and I will keep praying for ya!!!!,,,:highfive:

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I've heard that the cost of wax and shipping will be eliminating a lot of "hobby" chandlers. It could be the going trend. I was one of 2 chandlers at this weekend's show and it was pretty big. I was surprised, too.

With variety and quality, you could be a big standout!

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Now that surprises me that there aren't quite a few in your neck of the woods, but heck of an opportunity for you!! We looked at a show this weekend that had eight candlemakers there and about four B&B people. We were at one that wasn't crammed with candlemakers or B&B people too. We've done a little looking around on free weekends to see what was at some of the other shows too and some of those have been void of candles and B&B.

I say if they aren't there, what a great welcoming for you!

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