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IGI 4625 from Cajun Candles

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Anyone use this wax?

I can't stand it .. It's for Pillars but its driving me nuts. seems like I have to do like 3-5 pours on pillars for this. I don't like the look of it. Maybe I was spoiled by Candlewic and their blended votive/pillar wax..

If anyone has used this and has suggestions, please let me know.. Thank god I only have less than 6 slabs to go to use it all up. I am thinking of just using them for chunks to get rid of them. grrrrrrrr

Ok- back to Candlewic.. Its amazing when you dislike a company for certain things but they have you by the throat so to speak ( since I wont use the other term) because they have to best waxes.. grrrrrrrrrrr


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I just started making candles last year. This is the only wax I have ever used. I just got used to it and didn't want to try all over again with another type before I got this one down. You do have to wait til it cools enough to do the repour. Also, don't forget to poke your relief holes. This wax is great for rustics. Just add scent and color at 185 and then cool down to about 160 to pour. Great results. I just started trying the rustics recently. They are so fun if you layer them...never know how they will turn out.

I like the way this wax looks when it burns with a light dye. Nice glow to it.


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Have been using this wax for some time now. I always remove my pillars from the molds before I repour. Sounds funny huh!!! Poke your holes, remove the pillar, pour your repour at about 185. Pour slowly and just close enought to the edge. Then I take my finger and lightly dip it into the melted wax, close to the edge of the outside of the circle. When you drag your finger around the circumference of the circle, you will carry some of the melted wax to the edge. Don't push your finger into the wax and drag it. You just have to lightly touch your finger to the wax and carry it around the circle. If you push to hard and drag, your going to have wax drip down the pillar. Wait about 5-10 minutes and turn your candle on it's base. This way when it cures, your going to have a perfectly flat bottom, perfect for your label.

Good Luck and Happy Pouring.

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Thank you guys

Ok, I guess I didnt do all the research I should have or missed the part about relief holes.. can someone explain this to me? I have been only making since Jan so I am still learning as I go. I have done some awesome pillars and test my wicks.. I just never knew about relief holes.. Ok ok- call me stupid .. It's ok



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Thank you guys

Ok, I guess I didnt do all the research I should have or missed the part about relief holes.. can someone explain this to me? I have been only making since Jan so I am still learning as I go. I have done some awesome pillars and test my wicks.. I just never knew about relief holes.. Ok ok- call me stupid .. It's ok



Click over on the upper left where it says Basic Instructions. Under making pillars you'll see what the relief holes are about, with photographs. It's an important step. It probably says to use a skewer but I'd recommend something thicker like a chopstick.
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Hey there Christina!!! I use the IGI-4625 also( i get mine from wholesale Supplies Plus as they were the cheapest in their cases and good wax) and only do one re-pour,,,ROFLMBO,,,,Dont feel bad,,when I first got my kit I thought the top was the top,,,after I made it I looked @ the insructions real close and it was the opposite,,LOL,,,,Dang we have a lot of Blonde moments dont we??? No offense to those who are Blonde. Its good to see you posting!!!!!:P Remember to put some pics in the Gallery so we can see them!!

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:highfive: LOL Breanna-- Glad I am not the only one. hehehe :-) Oh, I can't quit posting on here. It's an addiction..


Oh I know this is addicting as well as the candles,,when the old Board went down I was soooo having withdrawls,,LOL,,,,Hey I loved the pics!!!,,Tell Dave hello from me and that hes good with the painting!!! My hubby just watches until I tell him not to touch then hes all in it,,messed up a couple pillars with him,,,Hes great though,,he got me started in this bless his little heart.:laugh2:

How were the prices with Cajun Candle??? WSP was 45.80 for 1 case 62 LBS and 22.61 shipping so about 68.51 total,,,I priced Bittercreek South and theirs were 60LBS @ 50.40,shipping 24.79 total 75.19

Peak (as I use their pillar brand too) 1 case @ 55LBS for 45.95 and shipping was 25.21 total 71.16. I think I did okay,,I asked for cases of wax for Christmas,,LOL,,,

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