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Frostop and Cinnamon Stick in Calsoy CB-3

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Hi Sharon,

I use Frostop with both Pryme colors and other color brands. I still use some of Just By Nature's liquid colors. I have not tried it pouring 150 or above because I have to pour my soy at 130 to help obtain smooth tops, etc. So, I am not sure if it would make a difference pouring hotter. I would not think it would make a difference. However, if pouring cool with your soy helps with frosting with your soy, I would continue to pour cool along with using the Frostop. You could run a test pouring it hotter and see what happens. If you only have to pour cool with your soy because of frosting, that would be great if the Frostop will eliminate the frosting even when pouring hot. Waiting for it to cool is time consuming.

I hope I answered your questions and helped a bit. Have fun testing! That is all I have been doing lately.....standing over the presto pot. :tongue2:

~Holly :)

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So all this talk about Frostop...I had to order some to try it. Ordered 2 weeks ago...paid with paypal. They sent a receipt but have not billed me. I've called several times and have left messages and no one answers or returns my calls! I went to the website the other day and the FROSTOP was no longer on their site. Anyone know any info that I don't as to whether or not they are still carrying it? Thanks.

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  • 7 months later...
Just thought I would bump this up and see what's going on with frost top. After everyones testing is it working? And is it good all year with soy. Just got rid of a batch that frosted worst than usually. TIA

Hey--went to go and check the site out (barnloftcandles.com) and it isn't working correctly for me....have any of you noticed this, or could it be my browser? I paid for advertising on there and it is down....:mad:

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Just thought I would bump this up and see what's going on with frost top. After everyones testing is it working? And is it good all year with soy. Just got rid of a batch that frosted worst than usually. TIA

Hi Sharon,

Last fall and winter I was still in my kitchen making candles. This year I am out in the shop. I only used the Frostop for a few of my scents last year. It worked well as long as the temperature in the house was not too cold. It would work better with some scents than others but even the ones that it did not work as well with were better than without frostop.

We have had nights lately around 40 so the shop stays real cool. In the morning if I make candles I turn the heat on to warm it up so the candles will set up nicer. The last time (just recently) I made my 100% soy candles with color was in the later afternoon and I noticed they frosted much worse than usual. Now these were ones without the Frostop. I know though that even with the frostop if the candles are freshly made and if they are in a cold room at night they will still frost more than I like. I made a candle a few days ago (Hazelnut Coffee) with frostop and I even took it in the house later and it still frosted some - not real bad tough. Our house is colder at night now too. This same scent that I made a few weeks ago without frostop but when the weather was much warmer, it did not frost at all. Usually, I would get some frost with this scent. This day must have had perfect pooring conditions. The frostop instructions says that it works best in correct temperatures, etc.

I figure since I will be working in the shop through the winter, there is no way I am going to keep it as warm as I had it last year in the kitchen. I had a small heater that I would run in the kitchen while I poured and for a bit after so it would stay warmer than the rest of our house which was usually around 60 degrees. It did not have to run as much as the one in the shop will have too because the main house heater helped. My shop is inside (room) our huge shop and it has cement floors. This is great in the summer but will be much colder in the winter. I do not want to shut myself up with fumes and a heater running constant. Sixty will probably be as warm as I will keep it. I could have it warmer while I pour and a bit after, but they need to stay warm for a while after and that heater would have to run too much.

If one has better working temperatures, frostop does help. I would need to run more tests, but I think with one scent (TSB's Heavenly Cinnbuns) it discolored more with the frostop than without. I would have to test again to make sure of this. Also, there is a slight possibility of a decrease in scent throw, but I am really not sure on this. Don't let this scare you. I would have to test a lot more to know this for sure since candlenose happens often.

Anyway, frostop is worth a try and does work well in the right conditions. I hoped this helped some. Sorry this is so long. :o


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I wasn't going to buy it unless it worked without conditions. Soy is so fickled anyway don't need the cost of something else. I really seem to have more problems when the weather is hot and humid. Even though I'm working in air it's still not cool enough for me. Also was looking for something for when I get a batch of soy that drys out. I'll have to take a picture of what it looks like.

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