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Giving a shout out for Kelsie molds


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I have been looking for that mold to beat all molds and I finally found it. I have an Uplands which I love except the lines on the liner are not symetrical and your soap bars won't be the same size and they are hard to cut straight even following the lines. I have a Southern Belle wood log mold and another wood log mold which I love too for CPOP soap but I have to line those molds and then try to cut each bar the same size. I do have a Delsie cutter which is great and helps. I also bought one of the wood molds off of Ebay that comes with a cutter and grooves cut in the mold to cut your soap. It split on 3 sides where the grooves are cut into the mold the first time I did CP soap. GRRRRRR!!!!!Seller won't respond. Totally junk if you ask me.

But.... I got me a Kelsie mold and I have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE this mold. My soap comes out so easily (no lining necessary) and the bars are all the same size. Definately worth the money and time waiting for it to be made. I am so thrilled - there is now a wiggle to my walk!!! :smiley2:

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I have had mine for a few months now and I think I love it more each time I use it. No liners, wonderful size bar. I have the 18 bar size. I find that a 60oz batch is just right. The only bad thing is that I only have 1!! :sad2: Best investment I ever made. Just might have to get another one!

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My soap pops right out. I've only used it for 2 batches but love this mold already. I've had no problems whatsoever. :yay: I got the small one but now want the larger one. I wish I would have bought this mold first before buying all those others. Could have save me alot of money. Now I need to save for the large one. :smiley2:

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You can do cpop in these - they don't recommend it but state that they do cpop in it with no problems. They just won't guarantee them if you do cpop but I think plenty of people do with no problems.

I've done 2 batches in it so far. The first was a 3lb batch (just the weight of the oils) and that fit but went right to the top. The bars were huge and probably could be cut in half since they are so thick. Then I did a 2lb batch and it was perfect. To be honest with you, I didn't mean to order the small one. I was trying to do a comparision in shipping prices between the small and large and then compare with shipping for another mold from another place. Somehow I ended up placing the order but I am glad I did. I just now REALLY want the larger one.

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