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Whooo Hooo I've got OILS!!


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Thanks to Carmen and her oil co-op I received some wonderful oils yesterday! :yay:

I'm still petrified to try CP, so gonna do some more reading, especially about mixing the lye etc. but here's what I have now, whaddya think??

avocado oil 1lb

olive oil 2lb.

coconut oil 4 lb

PKO 2lb

and these I already had on hand just waiting for the good stuff:

shea butter 9lb

lard 2lb

safflower oil (big bottle)

small amount of cocoa butter

and my lye of course

I tried to get some castor oil from Carmen but no luck, and I can only find it in the tiniest of bottles for too much money, locally. :(

Ok, off to read some more. ;)

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It's really not that scary. Just make sure to have the little ones out of the house the first time so you can concentrate fully. After a while it will be no big deal. Good Luck.

:cry2: I want my oils from Carmen. They were shipped on the second and you are furthur away than me. :cry2:

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Carrie, how did you have Carmen send them? I just had 9lbs. so she was able to shove it all in a flat rate priority box. ;)

But if she sent it fedex or ups ground it could take a little longer I think.

I don't think it's really SCARY per say, it's just there is soooooo much info. I need to learn, and then try and put it all together. And since math has never been my thang, I'm always second and third guessing myself. LOL

I still need to get gloves and a good stick blender, I think the one I have is just not powerful enough, I've had it for a LOOOOONG time, and although it works well for lighter mixing, I had a hard time trying to mix my shea butter with it.

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