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any one use wahmshoppee.com?


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im lost, is wahmshoppee just a place to host your website? or is it a place to start and design your own website? i signed up last night, now im worried i goofed up:( . i dont know how to login to start designing my website. :tiptoe:

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Just in case anyone wants to - the links was wahmshoppes.com

It's a host that offers FrontPage, but it appears nothing else. So you would need to verse yourself in FrontPage to do your site, or a straight cart site. Plus, I have no experience with this, but it seems that you also need to know how to integrate your cart (they use Mal's from what it looks like) into FrontPage. I've only done a basic family site with FrontPage, not an EC site. But then again, I use my OSCommerce cart only for my site, but it's not as easy as FP.

Though I have to say - their FAQ is IMO, rather dumb - because it has nothing to do with the company, and anyone looking to host a site and coming upon them would know this stuff.

What is the internet?

What is email?


(From what I understand this may be the default FAQ for the box link on the left.)

They don't provide any info on anything but the front page - no in depth look at their package and either they are new, or just lazy because the about us section hasn't been touched.

I'd be leery of any company who is selling web services and can't even properly take care of their own site.

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I use wahmshoppes and it is easy to set up your site. Did you get your welcome e-mail yet? If you didn't, rest assured it is on the way with the instructions you need to get started! You don't even need graphics right away, if you choose option 1 you can select from a bunch of different pre-made templates. I would suggest learning a bit of HTML. Go to www.htmlgoodies.com or do a search under HTML and take a few notes. (that's what I did) I am option 2. Not fully schooled in HTML but I know a little. My graphics are purchased, and I highly recommend who did mine. Take a look at my site if you would like: www.suzyqandsallytoo.com . My site's not too bad for someone who doesn't know a whole lot of HTML! :smiley2: (at least I think so, but I'm biased! :grin2: ) Don't get discouraged. WAHMshoppes offers the same shopping cart that DIY does, at nearly a third of the cost! It is not a Mal's shopping cart, unless you want to tie it to a Mal's account. They also offer a real-time shipping calculator, which is nice. If you don't get an email within a day or two welcoming you and giving you instructions, I would email them. Don't give up yet, though. Wahmshoppes is awesome! (and no, I don't work for them or make any money off of this at all--just got sick of paying 20 bucks a month for the same thing I now get for 7!) HTH

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asheebeans, your site looks wonderful. :angry2: hehe i give you the mean face because im jealous. yea i just paid for it last night. i got a confirmation email, but not a welcome letter yet. hopefully i get it soon, im ready to start.

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LOL You're so silly!! ( re: ----> :angry2: ) Thanks for the compliment on my site! I have to give alot of credit to the graphic designer. Trina Clark did my graphics and she is wonderful! I highly recommend her if you are going with a whimsical or country theme. My webset cost me around fifty bucks, I think. SO worth it!!

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I have been using them for over a year and a half. No problems whatsoever. I started out in Mode one and then bought a few cheap backounds and a cheap premade template. I just recently had my site redesigned for $50, and it was well worth it!

Their boards are extremely helpful. It takes Tony a few days to get your site opened, so try to be patient. He is a one man show.


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I have been using them for over a year and a half. No problems whatsoever. I started out in Mode one and then bought a few cheap backounds and a cheap premade template. I just recently had my site redesigned for $50, and it was well worth it!

Their boards are extremely helpful. It takes Tony a few days to get your site opened, so try to be patient. He is a one man show.


aw I didnt know he was a one man show :tiptoe: awwww now i feel bad. hehe he must be like "geez give me time".

Antonia, I will def. let you know if i hear anything. let me know if you here anything too.:highfive:

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