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What is this lid called?

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I currently use the 15oz & 22oz Libbey Cylinder Jars from The Jar Store in my line. The flat glass lid that comes with the jars are so darn heavy, which causes shipping to be a beast for my customers.

I have looked everywhere trying to find the lid pictured below. I need to know what the name of the lid is and where I can purchase them.

Thanks so much!


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That appears to be it!! Thank you soooo much! Now let's just hope it works with my jars. :D

The large silver lids at Fillmore won't fit the large Libbey jars. They fit the Madison jars which are narrower. Sorry, but just wanted to let you know.

Edited to add: I apologize, I think I am wrong. Those may be larger than the ones I got there for the Madison jars. I think the ones for the Madisons are one size down. You may be in luck!

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That is what I thought. The lid that is showing in the picture she posted, is skinnier too. The jar (I have some sitting around here somewhere) has as big an opening as it is wide -- most likely around 4 inches, or close to it. I always liked the look of that jar and lid combination as well and never did know where to get the lids. Islandgirl is right. If you call them, they may be able to help you with it. Who knows, maybe they will bring that lid into their line if they have enough requests. :)

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Actually, Fillmore confused me a bit with their response...this is what they wrote:

"The HZ7845 fits an actual opening of 2-15/16" an outer diameter (outerthread to outer thread) 3-3/8" and has a depth of 9/16"

The reason it's so confusing is that if it only fits this measurement, why do they have this lid listed to fit jars with varying diameters? :confused:

I don't suppose anyone has just one of these lids they'd be willing to sell me?? :D

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Actually, Fillmore confused me a bit with their response...this is what they wrote:

"The HZ7845 fits an actual opening of 2-15/16" an outer diameter (outerthread to outer thread) 3-3/8" and has a depth of 9/16"

The reason it's so confusing is that if it only fits this measurement, why do they have this lid listed to fit jars with varying diameters? :confused:

I don't suppose anyone has just one of these lids they'd be willing to sell me?? :D

I can't remember what they call it but they have a name for that definds how a lid can fit a jar tops with slight variances in size. That lid has a plastic insert and can fit certain jar circumfrances with slight diferences in width. I hope that makes sense. If I could only remember the word they use it would make more sense. You have probably already measured your jar, but I am pretty sure it is wider than 3 3/8. I like that look as well and wish I new where to find that sized lid. Good luck, and if you ever find it, please post! :)

P.S. It also has something to do with the measurement of the inner side and the measurement to the outside of the glass top. This is where variances can be. Some jars will have thicker glass which that still have the same measure on the inside as the thinner glass but would have a larger measurement on the outside, so then the lid may not fit. HTH

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I believe that if you email Fillmore they will give you a lid to try if you pay the postage. When I was trying to decide between lids they sent me the ones I was trying to decide between and I only had to pay the postage on them.

Yep... They are great that way and always willing to help..:D

I am sure they will ship one out to you...

If not, Let me know, I will be reordering soon from them and I will get you one..

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