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Candlelady, how is your fall scents coming?

Debra Phelps

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When I read your post on all the fall ones you poured, my mouth waters right along with the icons. I am tempted to order all of those. How are the pumpkins? Are they different. Have you had a chance to burn any of them yet? I know it is too soon. But I am in an ordering frenzie, and I want all of them. :drool: From every company, all of them, thousands of scents. I am addicted.:bliss:

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Hey girl! Testing was done prior to this last pour. I had tons of orders that required those scents.

I'm loving all the scents, actually, but I would have to say my favorite is the Pumpkin Patchouli from JS. It's strong and lasts all day long! LOL really

What's been tested and added to my site is:

Peaks Amish Harvest

JS Pumpkin Patchouli

JS Brkfst @ Becky's

JS Iced Cranberry

Berts Pumpkin Custard Spice

DS Hunter's Moon (wanted to add a manly scent)

JS Cranberry Orange

JS Cinn-a-berry

JS Coffee Cake & Spice

Tenn CS Gingerbread Applesauce (I renamed to Cozy Home and it sells like crazy, something about the word gingerbread and I can't sell it)

DS Southern Fruitcake

JS Hot Buttery Cinnamon (you CAN smell the butter!) Hoping this one sells well, as I also cannot sell a Cinnamon to save my life!

I've had 2nd thoughts on the Tenn CS Winter Candy Apple though, I think I'll stick with Millcreeks, it's much stronger.

Being tested next weekend:

JS Blackberry Amber (I'm also liking Amber "anything" recently)

JS Holiday Eggnog

DS Southern Vanilla Bourbon (I now use WSP Bourbon Vanilla, but wanted to try this one too!)

Fancy Cat Candle "Walk in the Woods" suppose to be a BC Woodland Trails dupe...I sure hope so.

Sweetcakes Chocolate Amber in 100% soy, Foaming Bath Whip, Lotion, Body/Linen Spray for Gift Sets.

Well, that's about all...you asked! LOL

And thanks for asking,

What are you thinking of pouring? Anything I haven't mentioned that maybe I should buy some for testing?:bliss:

My most popular scent during is Christmas Memories from Cajuns. I have carried that for 7 years and I get TONS of orders, just for that scent alone. FYI

I've really had to re-do alot of my testing when I switched from J50 (IGI 4636) to IGI 6006 as some of my FO's just wouldn't throw well. But most have and I'm really happy about that.

I know all about wanting them all....I have a real weakness for new scents this time of year.

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Have you tried Bramble Berry's 'Black Amber and Lavender'? I love it!!! But I'm a huge fan of both amber and lavender, and I know some people don't like lavender. If you want to try it, I'll swap you a couple ounces of it for a couple oz of Cajun's 'Christmas Memories'. :D

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Have you tried Brandied Pear by CS? That's the new one I'm carrying this fall.

Just finished testing it!!! Lovely!!!!!!


Hey Meri! That's the one I wanted try and totally forgot about it when I placed my CS order.

Can you spare a few ozs? If not, I understand. I'll swap for something I have...Pumpkin Patchouli for instance? LOL

Just let me know,



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Hey Meri! That's the one I wanted try and totally forgot about it when I placed my CS order.

Can you spare a few ozs? If not, I understand. I'll swap for something I have...Pumpkin Patchouli for instance? LOL

Just let me know,



I don't have any on hand Carrie. I just poured and tested a sample to know if I wanted to carry it - Keeper!!!

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Hey, tell us about DS Southern Fruitcake, I've been so tempted to try that one. Oh, and the Chocolate Amber from SC. You know how I love me some Amber :grin2:

Hey Cindy!

Southern Fruitcake is doing really well! One of my biggest monthly customers, just loves it, says it smells just like the real thing! And I have to agree!

This weekend is Chocolate Amber (BBW type) I have a customer that just loves this stuff! I bought it for her! She wants all my B&B items in that scent....thought I'd do a soy candle too!

Want a sample of So. Fruitcake and choc amber? We can swap, of course....?

Carrie ;o)

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You're right CandleLady about the new scents - I get really bored if I don't have something new!!!!

Man, Blackberry Amber sounds like it would be amazing. Report back on that one!!!

I can say that the Blackberry Amber from JS is incredible in soy. A very sophisticated, upper scale aroma. Loved Blackberry Sage for years, but have found that the BA is taking a front row seat now. :grin2:

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I can say that the Blackberry Amber from JS is incredible in soy. A very sophisticated, upper scale aroma. Loved Blackberry Sage for years, but have found that the BA is taking a front row seat now. :grin2:

Thanks, celicagtca! That's what I'm gravating too - a more upper scale aroma.

My daughter sells expensive clothes and shoes in her store and my candles have to "belong" - KWIM?

Sometimes I plummet when something I test just isn't cutting it and when I'm competing with candle companies that buy in bulk and can afford the type containers that I can't afford. It's a battle, but I'm doing fine for only being in one location. I really don't have time, right now to expand.

This container is so "upper scale" I'm depressed just thinking I can't afford it!! lol


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If that is the container you're going to be pouring the wax into, I say BEAUTIFUL!!! The Blackberry Amber would go hand in hand with that for sure. Very Classy glassware with an upper scale fragrance. :highfive:

I just thought of another fragrance that would go really well with that container, haven't tried it, but will one day. The name just hit me when I seen the box...Poison'd Apple from Daystar.

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If that is the container you're going to be pouring the wax into, I say BEAUTIFUL!!! The Blackberry Amber would go hand in hand with that for sure. Very Classy glassware with an upper scale fragrance. :highfive:

I just thought of another fragrance that would go really well with that container, haven't tried it, but will one day. The name just hit me when I seen the box...Poison'd Apple from Daystar.

LOL! Perfect scent for that container. lol

I would LIKE to have that type of container, but I don't know where to find it. Any exclusive container is going to be costly, which I would have to pass on to my customers.

I'd love to use Scent Works, etc. - all the time - for my candles and charge $50. Don't see that happening any time soon. LOL!

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I have ordered so many new scents, I wouldn't be able to start a list. I will wait until I test them to let you know. I really wanted the Pumpkin Souffle, but THEY ARE OUT! I already have pumpkin bread, out sells pumpkin pie by far, Cozy Home, Caramel Pecan Pie, Creme Brulee, White Cake (LS) Yum, smells like the real thing, not like cake bake. Sweet Potato Pie, I add 1/3 creme brulee to make it richer. Deb's Fall Favorite ( I took a pumpkin pie recipe and added all the ingredients, while the food and spice ones) It is wonderful. Still doesn't smell just like a pumpkin pie, but they love it. Back To School apples and cinnamon), I can't even remember. A lot of them are the usual stuff. I got to get all these orders in and then I can make a list. I love it, love it, love it. Do you know how blessed we are to have a job that we love. I am very thankful. I can't wait everyday to come to work and make candles. Our store smells up the streets outside, and people just love us. Praise God

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