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tarts/votives not selling

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Hello all!

Does anyone have a problem selling tarts and votives?:angry2: I enjoy making them but my car ornies,wickless candles and sprays sell. I can't get rid of these things! I even thought about doing crumbles, but don't think they would go either..or tea lights.

Just wondering if anyone else had this problem? I am in Texas..dunno if that makes a difference or not,lol. I live close to the gulf.


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I had trouble selling votives and tarts. But when I switched to making palm wax tarts and also selling the tart meltors then my sales really picked up. Now my tarts are a regular top seller for me.

BTW-- I dropped votives cause they didn't sell. I haven't tried making palm wax votives yet but may give them a try.

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Thanks guys!

I also thought about the palm waxed tarts to..I think the cuter they look the better. I did sell a crumbly chunk set of 4 votives..cinn.bun..they were adorable..but other than that..nothing and I've tried for several years.

I just recently bought the 3.3 oz tureens for wickless(adorable!!!)..am even thinking about dropping the 6 oz and just selling those..they really put out as much as the 6 oz in my opinion.

Anyone else just sell the one size wickless or would you carry both? I do so well with the wickless, sprays and car ornies though.

Seems smaller sells more and you can make more...but that's been my observation this past year...lol.

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Thanks guys!

I also thought about the palm waxed tarts to..I think the cuter they look the better. I did sell a crumbly chunk set of 4 votives..cinn.bun..they were adorable..but other than that..nothing and I've tried for several years.

I just recently bought the 3.3 oz tureens for wickless(adorable!!!)..am even thinking about dropping the 6 oz and just selling those..they really put out as much as the 6 oz in my opinion.

Anyone else just sell the one size wickless or would you carry both? I do so well with the wickless, sprays and car ornies though.

Seems smaller sells more and you can make more...but that's been my observation this past year...lol.

You are right about that, ChandleChic! My 4 oz containers are as strong as my 16 oz. I stopped carrying the 16 oz and may only do that in the fall for some of my scents like Creme Brulee.

If you notice the trend in the clothing industry, the price is much less expensive, with the addition of Kohl's Ross, etc., so it's bleeds into other areas as well.

Many people don't want to spend more than $10 when they are picking up a quick gift and a small container candle is perfect. It's working very well for me!

Of course, and thank God, there are still people that want quality and the cost is not always a factor.

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I sell tarts like crazy. I went to the flea market on Sunday morning. I sold 1 candle and 150 tarts. Here in pa people love tarts. I am in the testing stages of votives right now, doing well getting 16 hours out of one. When selling at flea markets and shows I get asked alot about votives so I decided to start selling them too. I think people want fragrance but do not want to put out alot of money for candles. I only have luck with 8oz jelly jars and they sell for $6.00. Some people think that is too much.


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