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Yancey Candles

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I received payment by paypal for what i believe was fragrance oils from Yancey candles. This person would have bought these off of the classifieds here. Now paypal is holding funds telling me that the payment I got on June 19 was NSF from this person. I have tried contacting them by the email that was on file with paypal but the email came back. I'd like to know if maybe this person cancelled payment, is in the middle of a dispute or what is going on but cannot find out. If you are this person or know this person, please tell them to get with me on PM or by email. Thanks. I'd really like to know what is going on and I surely hope this is a simple mistake and not purposely done. I have a mailing address and am wondering if I should try it. It's listed as:

7413 pine ridge drive

evansville, IN 47712

United States

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You don't have PMs on here where you could address it privately? I agree, posting a person's address is a no-no. No matter what the reason for non payment.

You have his/her address. You could have sent a letter or something too.

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Yikes, I can't even begin to say how much of an issue I would have if this were myself and my address was posted.

Maybe she needs that money to feed her family. The person who we are talking about should be glad that momtohaley hasn't done more....I


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Maybe she needs that money to feed her family. The person who we are talking about should be glad that momtohaley hasn't done more....I


Perhaps, though for all we know this person could have come down with an illness, death in the family, who knows. It is speculation that this person had ill intent at this point. I just think that this is a matter that needs to be resolved outside of a public forum. Innocent until proven guilty and all that good stuff...

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I've made this comparison before - if you tried to block a payment to Wal-Mart after receiving the goods, would they just go "oh okay"? No, they'd find you, track you down and ruin your credit, get you arrested, etc.

A death in the family doesn't cause someone to shut down their email. Your bank doesn't lock an account from being used for funds so you can keep the money to yourself. Paypal doesn't either, the funds were there in Paypal, or this person bought it and had backup funding from a bank account in which there was no money in the first place. The only other scenario is that they were involved in fraud.

Events that happened AFTER the transaction don't affect the transaction in the first place.

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None of this was meant to start a discussion on whether or not this is a "private business matter" or not. I was seeking assistance in finding the contact information for the person and I posted here for 2 reasons. The first being they purchased from me off of the classifieds from this forum and the second being all contact information I had for them has come back as being incorrect. Thus, I posted seeking assistance in locating the person so that I could resolve the matter with him/her. Many of us on this forum know each other outside of the forum or have become close friends and thus know each other's contact information. I was wanting/looking for someone who could give me the information that I would need to try to contact them. I appreciate the two PM's that I received giving me the Etsy site. And a little FYI....I"ve contacted them from that store site and am awaiting a reply. So far that email has not come back to me.

This is not and was not meant to be a discussion of who is right/wrong in this matter. I understand at times things can come up but when someone will not respond or you cannot reach them, wouldn't you try to seek another way to find them? Due to the purchase being made from this site, this was my first stop in trying to locate them. Unfortunately, this just goes to show that paypal is not a direct transfer or at least it appears that way. If this was a direct transfer it wouldn't have been almost 2 months before I got notified that payment was declined. I understand things come up, but a little communication goes a long way and that's all I was asking for at this point.

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See, that's another thing that just seems odd with this. Why it would take 2 months for the payment to be declined. Makes me think that maybe they put in a dispute against you and somehow you were not notified until you saw the funds removed from your account? I have never had to deal with a dispute (knocks on wood), so maybe I'm just blowing hot air...

I just don't know any bank that would take two months to decline payment and for paypal to take that long in any action.

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I totally agree, coco.This IS a private business matter. :highfive:

A private matter it may BE but what is one to do when they have tried every private way they know??? I am just saying, if you bought from a reputable supplier and they never sent you their end of the deal, and no matter what you did, you couldn't get in touch with them, etc. They provide no excuse... You would come to a forum (as many have done) and ask what and how to contact them. Death, illness, no death, no illness, if I fufilled my end of the deal, so should you...or you tell me and we make arrangements.

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That is what struck me as odd as well. I'm waiting to hear from paypal on this one and hopefully I'll hear something soon. I do now know it was a credit card transfer........But 2 months...????hmmm

I had one last year that was reversed several months after the transaction. Consumers have 180 days to dispute a charge on their CC, so it sounds to me as if the Pay Pal payment was funded with a CC that was later disputed. Hopefully it's a simple issue as they reviewed their statements and didn't recognize the Pay Pal transaction (sometimes they show up weird) and once it's clarified they'll make good on it.

For my situation the customer would not respond at all, so I contacted our local police and the Town Marshall gave her a phone call. He said he never did get to talk to her, but left a message of who he was and why he was calling and if the matter wasn't straightened out (I had delivery confirmation, etc. proving she had received the product) that he would pursue it further.

Pay Pal then asked for a whole bunch of info ... dates, confirmations, etc, and thankfully I had them all, so I ended up getting my money reinstated. It took quite some time though, and I had to really fight Pay Pal for it and stay on top of them.

The very first bit of info they'll point out is whether or not the buyer used a "confirmed" address. If it wasn't, it could potentially be entirely false and unfortunately you'll be out everything ~ product and money unless you sue. If it was confirmed, look up that payment notice, get out your tracking info for the product you sent, and get it to Pay Pal.

Good luck!

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A private matter it may BE but what is one to do when they have tried every private way they know??? I am just saying, if you bought from a reputable supplier and they never sent you their end of the deal, and no matter what you did, you couldn't get in touch with them, etc. They provide no excuse... You would come to a forum (as many have done) and ask what and how to contact them. Death, illness, no death, no illness, if I fufilled my end of the deal, so should you...or you tell me and we make arrangements.

Actually, I would not handle the situation in the manner you described.

Since this was a private transaction via the classifieds here, I would first review the TOS for the Classifieds.


Since I would have had their address and telephone number (verified), I would have telephoned;

If no luck, I would send a letter by certified mail.

Then, I would PM the person via this site (I would have required CT Member's name so I could contact them here).

Then, and only then when all else failed, I MIGHT ask if anyone could PM me with contact information for that person; however, I would not have posted an address nor divulged the details of my difficulty with them, as that is a private business matter between me and them and any credit card company or PayPal in-between.

Just my opinion... ;)

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Actually, I would not handle the situation in the manner you described.

Since this was a private transaction via the classifieds here, I would first review the TOS for the Classifieds.


Since I would have had their address and telephone number (verified), I would have telephoned;

If no luck, I would send a letter by certified mail.

Then, I would PM the person via this site (I would have required CT Member's name so I could contact them here).

Then, and only then when all else failed, I MIGHT ask if anyone could PM me with contact information for that person; however, I would not have posted an address nor divulged the details of my difficulty with them, as that is a private business matter between me and them and any credit card company or PayPal in-between.

Just my opinion... ;)

Yes, you are right there were other things to do but I just don't think momtohaley should be talked down on or second guess for her decision on how to handle the matter.

PS.Go and check out his etsy. Just search for Yancey Candles. Look at the feedback. He is still letting his business run and just saying screw all those people who deserve their product.

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There's no reason to tiptoe around about it. Has this person been signed on here lately? That might at least tell you if they're still up and about.

When someone on this forum screws someone, everybody else has the right to know. The fact that momtohaley got the shaft isn't just a matter of her opinion. She has the documentation to back it up. Maybe posting the address is a bit much, but calling out the person as a last resort is acceptable. What is his/her user ID here? I would probably have stopped with just that information, but it's deserving to let forum members know.

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Hopefully you hear something. I ordered from their Etsy shop on July 16th and have yet to receive my items and have not gotten a response to my emails and to my convos through Etsy to them. They have now cleared out their Etsy shop and their feedback is going down.

I decided to dispute with Paypal to hopefully get my money back.

Good luck to you with what you are looking for from them.


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I don't expect to hear anything after reading the feedback that everyone else has left over the last month. I have sent her 2 messages through the Etsy shop and I will try to send her a certified letter through the mail but otherwise I'm just out the money and product most likely. As I mentioned in my email to him/her on Etsy....just a little communication goes a long way no matter what the situation.

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