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Very disappointed . . . stinky soap :-(


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I bought the most awesome smelling OMH FO from WSP which got excellent reviews. I used it in my Goats Milk SFIC M&P soap base. It smelled really nice . . . until I got the bar of soap wet, then it stinks like rancid oil or dirt. It awful! I then made a bar using Shea M&P base instead....same stinky smell when the bar gets wet. Then I made several bars and in each one, I eliminated some of the other additives I was using.

Removed olive oil . . . the soap still stinks.

Removed honey . . . the soap still stinks.

Removed FO . . . no stink.

Is this what is called "morphing" and is there anything I can do to keep this from happening. I've ruined so many bars of soaps and am quite disappointed that I can't use this FO.

Thanks for any help!

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Although I've never smelled WSP's OMH fragrance, I'll give my JMO on situation.

Does it smell like almonds? While I've only done 2 batches of OMH soap, the first one was not scented, and the second one was with an OMH fo that smells like you're typical almonds. My brain just cannot connect these 2 things. While the unscented batch was going through gel, it had an awesome, subtle graham cracker type scent, and if we could bottle that, we'd be millionaires.

With that said, and again, this is JMO, if you really want to scent it, maybe a cream type fo, or just a bare touch of cinnamon.

Not sure if this helps, but trying to:)

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I ended up lightly fragrancing it with Flicker's Sweet Pumpkin FO and had no problem with the scent turning bad. It's a nice fragrance but not exactly what I was going for.

WSP's OMH is such a wonderful fragrance, I really wanted to use it. Not sure I'd want to change the soap base I'm using just to get this FO to work right, though, since SFIC is more natural. I can't tell if the ingredients in WSP's "natural" goat milk soap is really all natural. ("Sodium Cocoate, Sodium Palmate,. . " :confused: ).

dabbledoya, yes, the FO smells like almonds and it's quite sweet. Do you use a soap base or are you doing cp?

I may head over to KY and get a sample of their OHM FO. Someone here gave me a description of what it smelled like and it sounds similar to WSP's. Maybe I'll have better luck with it.

But I'd sure like to know what causes a fragrance oil to turn stinky like this when the soap gets wet. And if there's a solution (like some kind of additive that can be used) to prevent this, I'm all ears!


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The 2 batches were CP, w/ oatmeal, honey, and coconut milk added to my basic recipe. I don't really think wether or not the soap is MP or CP would have anything to w/ the scent morphing once it's wet. I imagine the scent is stronger once the water and steam hits it, and it's just more evident. Our sense of smell is a pretty individual thing, but if it's stinky to you when it's wet, it would most likely be stinky to someone else :cheesy2: . Since you're using MP base, I'd probably do like you're doing, and continue to try and find an fo that suits you (and matches the OMH theme :wink2: ). I suppose my point was that the almond fragrance that so many suppliers have in their OMH fo~to me~doesn't 'go with' an OMH soap recipe.


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dabbledoya, I had a feeling you were making this soap with the cp process because of the way you described it's natural, wonderful aroma. I don't get a nice aroma with GM M&P unless I add an FO. Without FO, there's only a creamy milk scent and I don't care for that.

asheebeans...where do you buy powdered goat milk? I was considering using this method but, so far, have only been able to find canned, liquid goats milk. I don't make soap in large enough batches to warrant opening an entire can.

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Tizzimarezie.. I honestly haven't had this "morphing" experience with MP soap and a FO, so I can't help you there.. but I can tell you where to buy powdered goat milk soap!

They carry it in many grocery stores in the bakery section or the section where they have powdered milk and evaporated milk!

I know walmart here has it, but so do the other grocery stores in town! It comes in a white can about the size of a can of baby formula. Shoot..; I can't remember the name of it and I don't have a can anywhere near me right now to check. But it's great stuff and when I"m out of fresh goat milk I use it for my batches! It's wonderful!

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I bought my powdered goatsmilk at WSP. :smiley2: I heard too many horror stories about scorched, overheating or wonky-colored batches so I started using the powder. Just stickblend 1T ppo into the warm oils and mix well....I do like to cool my lye water before I add it in when I use the GM powder....especially if I am doing pumpkin soap! HTH

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  • 1 year later...

I've searched many places here in town for powdered goats milk, no luck. I've been searching for the best oatmeal milk & honey fragrance oil, I love the scent. I bought a bottle from WSP and didnt like it at all,

needless to say, I'm still searching :)

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Try the Oatmeal, Milk and Honey from BCN, I tried this fo from many different places until I found this one I is one of my faves. I also did a swap and used this fo and a lot of the girls loved it.

I get my powdered gm from Texas Natural Supply.


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I think SFIC has an "off" smell to it, personally. I can't understand why people are so fascinated by it! On the other hand, I used to use WSP's OMH for years--before I switched to a Lebermuth brand. Theirs is awesome! Are you using regular goat's milk or powdered? Try using powdered GM for less stink. Maybe that is the problem, or the SFIC? I really doubt it is the fragrance.

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I think SFIC has an "off" smell to it, personally. I can't understand why people are so fascinated by it! On the other hand, I used to use WSP's OMH for years--before I switched to a Lebermuth brand. Theirs is awesome! Are you using regular goat's milk or powdered? Try using powdered GM for less stink. Maybe that is the problem, or the SFIC? I really doubt it is the fragrance.

Did you by chance add a vit E capsule to your soap? I made lotion bars and they had that smell. After much testing it turned out the oil in the capsule, stunk. I also do not like OM&H FO they all smell like almond and I don't like that smell. How does the soap smell all by itself? when you melt it?

Edited by Sharon in KY
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No, I haven't added anything to the SFIC but fragrance. :sad2: I'm not that impressed with SFIC--I must be in the minority. I like the fact that it is natural--but it doesn't perform half was well as my Crafter's Choice bases did! Plus there is some kind of off smell in the SFIC. It's not old, either, I just got it in Feb.

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No, I haven't added anything to the SFIC but fragrance. :sad2: I'm not that impressed with SFIC--I must be in the minority. I like the fact that it is natural--but it doesn't perform half was well as my Crafter's Choice bases did! Plus there is some kind of off smell in the SFIC. It's not old, either, I just got it in Feb.

I don't smell anything but I would get rid of it, sell on classified. And get what you like. I don't like the brand that is sectioned off into 1oz portions. It has an odd smell to me...

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