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Multiple shows on the same weekend

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My business partner and I are considering splitting up for one of the weekends this fall in order to do two very popular craft shows. The one thing that we aren't sure how to handle is the credit card imprinter since we only have one. Has anyone ever done this? Do you think it's better to not accept credit cards at one of the shows, or can you handwrite the credit card number on a slip to process it the same way we would if we had the imprinter there? I wasn't sure if this is a matter of preference or if there is something illegal to not take the imprint of the card. Thanks!

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definetly accept credit cards at each show. not sure how things are in your area, but in mine the acceptance of credit cards is a must

as for solving your delimena, why not order another credit card imprinter off of ebay. i beleive they are no more than 20 bucks (its been a long while) then that way everything looks more professional with the imprint...IMO

as for the legality of writing everything out, not sure if there is law stating that you cannot do this, i am sure there isn't. this is doable but will be time consuming.

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I just had to do the same thing. I just wrote the numbers down. Triple check the numbers and the expiration. As long as they sign it after you write it, that is legal.

Hope this helps

Make sure you get their phone number on the slip.

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Just buy another knucklebuster and plate. $20 and you're all set, especially if the circumstance ever repeats itself. If not, you always have a spare.

I'd much rather buy another than run the risk of transposing numbers.

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If you cant order another knucklebuster, you can just grab a clipboard, put the card on it with the carbon form on top and rub over it with a votive glass or something. It may not be a very professional way to represent yourself with customers, but this trick saved my butt when I left my imprinter at home one show. Definitely accept credit cards though! Your only loosing potential sales if you dont.

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